6. Itmm : interr. Whether did the partie … 6. Itmm : interr. Whether did the partie that prormed the [?GXXX]<br />
or deputy of Saint Manes Castle, or did any other on his behalfe<br />
Agree with the said Governo:r or deputy to give him satisfact<br />
Tion for his paines and Charges that hee should nee att, as<br />
Stay of the said shippe, And what satisfaction hath been<br />
Given or is promised for the same; Et fiat at sup:a.
7. Itmm:interr, Whether Before the said shippe ''Nativity''<br />
was stayed neere ffalmouth had nott they whoe were in<br />
possession of her beene by the space of 1. 3. 5. Or more monthes<br />
weeks, or daies sailing and ?roaving up and ddowne in the<br />
English Channell and used and imployed the said shippe as<br />
a Man of warre to take pXXXXX, And within that time in<br />
and with the said shippe had nott Michell p:rtending hm<br />
-selfe Captaine thereof, and the Company of the said shuppe<br />
taken and dubdued and gott into theire possession some other shippe<br />
or shippes and goods, and spoiled the Right Owners thereof<br />
att least had indeavoured soe to doe, and were aiding abetting<br />
or assistant to the Commander and Company of some other shippe<br />
whoe seized and made spoile as aforesaid Et fiat ut supp.
8. Itmm: interr Whether Immediately before the said shippe was<br />
tayed neere ffalmouth was shee nott chased by a dutch man<br />
of Warre or some other shippe upon the seas neere the Coast<br />
of Cornwall on the West of ffalmouth and Pendennis, or Saint<br />
Manes Castle, And did nott the shippe ''Nativity'' flee from the<br />
Said other shippe, and in her flight might shee nott have made<br />
Pendennis or S:t Manes Castle or ffalmouth harbo:r her Refuge<br />
And have beene there surrXXed XX the Commander and Comp<br />
-any of the ''Nativity'' had beene true men and friends, And yett did<br />
They nott shun and avoide the said Castle and harbour and run their<br />
Shippe aground a league or thereabouts to the Eastward of the<br />
Said castle, And lett itt bee done as above.
9. Itmm: interr. Whether when the said shippe was soe stayed neere<br />
Ffalmouth, was nott the said Michell or hee that was the then re<br />
Puted Commander of the shippe ''Nativity'' and his Company or<br />
Some of them examined howe they came by the said shippe and<br />
The goods in her and howe long they had beene in possession<br />
Thereof or to such effect, and did they nott then answeare that<br />
The same were taken att Sea from a dutchman or hollander<br />
Some monethes or weekes then next before, and doe nott you knowe<br />
That the said Michell and Company did nott, nor cold then pro-<br />
-duce any Commission to warrant the taking of the said shippe<br />
Or goods, And lett itt bee done as above.
10. Itmm Lett him bee asked Whether att the time when the said ''Nativity''<br />
Was stayed neere ffalmouth and seized to the use of his Royall<br />
Highness the Lord High Admirall aforesaid by his Officers andigh Admirall aforesaid by his Officers and +