9. die Novembris 1660/ [CENTRE HEADING]
[ … 9. die Novembris 1660/ [CENTRE HEADING]
[?Georgius] Dowdall et Sorijson}<br />
William Barker}<br />
ffrancklin. Clements}
Sup Libello ex parte Dict[?o] Georgij et Sorior[?u]<br />
[?Xato]. Examinatus/.
'''Rp. jus'''
'''Christianus Tepfer''' de Wapping Nauta<br />
annos agens 32 aut eo circiter testis in hoc<br />
causa productus et Juratus./.
Ad 1um et 2um position et schedula in [?XXX] mentionate dicit et deponit that hee well knoweth<br />
the ffrigot ''Henrietta Maria'' arlate and soe knoweth her about<br />
nine or tenne monethes next before<br />
her seizure hereafter mentionedm at which time and for all<br />
the time aforesaid the Lilate George Dowdall was Commander<br />
of the said ffrigot and hee the said Dowdall was Commannder<br />
for all the time aforesaid and at the said seizure were, and<br />
at this present are the true and Lawfull owners and proprietors<br />
of the said ffrigot, tackle apparrell and furniture, and alsoe<br />
of all and singular the goods moneyes wares and Merchandizes<br />
mentioned and set downe in the schedule annexed to the said<br />
Libell (now read over by this deponent and for true [?commonly] accounted And the said Dowdall was<br />
Imediately before the said seizure in the<br />
quiet and peaceable possession thereof in the River of<br />
Swansey. And this hee saith was and is true publique and<br />
notorious, which hee deposeth being one of the said ffrigots<br />
Company at her seizure and for all the time aforesaid<br />
et alr nescit./
Ad 3um 4 um et 5um dicit that the lilate William Barker was for all<br />
the moneth of May last Comander of the ''Litchfeild''<br />
''ffrigot'', and had the care and government of her, and for<br />
such Commonly accompted and saith that on the 14th or 15th day<br />
of the said moneth of May last severall of the Company of the<br />
said ffrigot the Litchfeild under the Comand of the said<br />
Barker, did (being Commanded and ordered by him soe to doe)<br />
come up to the said ffrigot ''Henrieta Maria'' (,shee lying in<br />
Swanzey River as aforesaid) and by force entered her, and<br />
seized upon her, and her tackle apparrell and furniture<br />
and all and singular the goods moneyes wares and merchandizes<br />
set downe in the said schedule which hee saith were then nboard her and carried the same all<br />
away, dispossesing and depriving the said Dowdall and Company thereof<br />
turning all her Cmpany that were in her on shore at Swanzey<br />
And saith that the said ffrigot and her masts and yards<br />
are as hee beleeveth in the Custody of the Prize Officers at<br />
Plymouth, and the rest of the things schedulated (hee beleeveth)<br />
are in the Possession of the said Barker and Company or<br />
they have disposed thereof And soe the said Dowdall and Company<br />
are utterly dispoyled and deprived of the same which hee knoweth<br />
for the reasons aforesaid/
Ad 7/br />
for the reasons aforesaid/
Ad 7/ +