To the hee saith hee hath often seene … To the hee saith hee hath often seene and read the<br />
Instructions interrate. but doth not knowe that they were<br />
read unto, or by the said Winter./.
[GUTTER XXXX] duo Judicante.
Willoughby:: Hammam. [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The of July 1660./. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the said Articles./.
'''John Moncke''' of Limehouse in the<br />
County of Middlesex Mariner late one of<br />
the Company of the ''ffairfax ffrigott'' aged 25<br />
yeeres or thereabouts Sworne and Examined.
To the first article hee saith that for and during all the<br />
yeere 1658, and Before, and since, there were Universall<br />
Reprizalls granted by the then authority of England for seizing<br />
the ships and goods of the King of Spaine and his Subjects<br />
and for all the said time there hath bin open warr and<br />
hostility at sea used and practised betweene the Subjects<br />
of this Nation and the Subjects of the said King of Spaine<br />
and for all that time both Partyes have at sea taken the ships<br />
and goods of each other as lawfull Prize and soe much was and is<br />
well knowne to the said william Winter, which hee knoweth<br />
for that hee this Deponent for most part of the yeere 1658 and<br />
all 1659 served in the ffleete inder the Command of Admirall<br />
Stoakes, and further deposeth not./.
To the 2.d hee saith that for all the time aforesaid the arlate<br />
Captaine John Stoakes was Admirall or Comander in charge of<br />
a Squadron of ships in the Medeterranian Sea, consisting<br />
of ten saile, whereof the ''ffairfax ffrigot'' was one, and the<br />
said Admirall Stoakes had power to keepe the said Tenne<br />
ships together or devide them as hee should finde occasion<br />
and this hee saith was and is well knowne to the said william<br />
Winter. And further deposeth not./.
To the 3.d hee saith that the arlate Thomas Whetstone was<br />
Comander of the ''ffairfax ffrigot'' for all or most part of the<br />
yeere 1658. and Within the said yeere the said Admirall<br />
Stoakes did alsoe Comit foure other of the ffrigots of the said<br />
Squadrom to the Care and Comand of the said Whetston to wit<br />
the ''Phenix'' the ''Hampshire'', the ''Kent'' and the ''Bristowe'' and<br />
the said William Winter within the said yeere pretended<br />
himselfe to be Lieutenant of the ''ffairefax ffrigot'', and did take<br />
upon him, and exercise that office to the said Whetston, which hee<br />
knoweth for that hee this deponent belonged to the said ''ffairefax ffrigot''<br />
all the time the said Winter was in her And further deposeth not./nter was in her And further deposeth not./ +