whereof one Captaine Lemman was Comander; … whereof one Captaine Lemman was Comander; And saith that<br />
at the same time that the said three ships lay in the said Roade<br />
there was alsoe a Dutch ship there lying called the ''Moone''<br />
whereof one Vander hulst was Comander And the said<br />
Andrew Gribble this deponent and the said Captaine Lemman<br />
went together aboard the said Dutch ship the ''Moone'', and that the said<br />
Andrew Gribble upon his Coming aboard her, in the presence<br />
of this deponent and the said Lemman. told the said Captaine<br />
Vander hulst that hee the said Gribble was an Englishman<br />
and was Comander of the ship the ''Paragon'', which ship and<br />
Lading belonged to Englishmen, and was bound to Dartmouth<br />
And desired thesaid Captaine Vander hulst to take<br />
the said ship the ''Paragon'' and her Lading under his<br />
Protection, and to Convoy her in her Course for Dartmouth,<br />
or to that effect. And saith that the said Captaine Vander<br />
hulst. thereupon made answer and told the said Gribble in<br />
the presence of this deponent and the said Leman, that according to<br />
the Articles of Peace, made betweene England<br />
and holland, hee was bound to Conduct the said Gribble and his ship and<br />
Lading. And did Promise, and undertake to Convoy the said<br />
ship, the ''Parragon'', and her Lading in her Course to Dartmouth<br />
And did further Promise and undertake to Protect and Defend her<br />
from the Enemy, or to that purpose, And saith that the said<br />
Captaine Vander hulst did then Cause one of his<br />
Officers to drawe up a Writing which the said Vander hulst signed<br />
with his owne hand which writing. purported that the said Gribble<br />
should keepe Convoy as neere as hee Could with the said<br />
ship the ''Moone''. And the said writing being done, and signed,<br />
and the said Vander hulst having undertooke. to protect<br />
Convoy and Defend the said ship ''Paragon'' and her Lading<br />
in he Course to Dartmouth the said Gribble gave<br />
the same Vander hulst a ffrench Crowne, and hee the said Vander hulst<br />
received and accepted of the same: And further deposeth<br />
Repeated before Doctor Godolphin./.
William Churchwood [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 25th day of ffebruary 1658:/
The Claime of John Caseby of London)<br />
Merchant for XXX XXXX XXXX in the)<br />
shipp the ''Saint Laurence'' (Peter Benniwysent)<br />
Master) by Captaine Aylet in the ''Coventry ffrygot''. Budd. ffrancklin)
Examined upon an allegation given in on behalfe<br />
of the said John Caseby:/.
'''Peter Bimewijsennt''' of Hoorne in<br />
North holland Mariner Master of the ship the ''Saint''<br />
''Lawrence'' aged 30: yeeres or thereabouts sworne<br />
and Examined:/.
Touts sworne<br />
and Examined:/.
To +