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HCA 13/73 f.42r Annotate
First transcribed 9 August 2013  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 42  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 09/08/2013  +
Transcription Statutes and orders made for the Lying rydStatutes and orders made for the Lying ryding and Anchoring of ships<br /> (as hee is informed) Prohibited soe to doe, And saith that all the Dammage aforesaid hapened<br /> by the bilged said ships being so. And saith that (as hee hath Credibly<br /> heard) noe Master of a ship ought by the Lawes Customes and Statutes of<br /> the River of Thames to suffer his Anchor to lye without a buoy<br /> more than one Tyde, and that in case any master shall suffer<br /> his Anchor to lye without a buoy longer than one Tyde, the<br /> said Master or the ship to whom the said Anchor belongeth . ought and<br /> is Liable; (by the said Customes and Lawes) to make satisffaction<br /> for what dammage shall come or happen thereby, or to that effect.<br /> And further hee cannot depose. To the 12th and 13th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to the Registry of<br /> this Court and further doth not depose./. To the 14th hee saith the said Clarke and Company owners<br /> of the said ship ''Warewell'' by reason of the bilging of the said ship<br /> have sustained damage (over and above the foresaid damage) to the<br /> vallue of Tenn pounds as hee beleeveth in losse of Imployment<br /> and further deposeth not:/: To the 15th and 16th hee Referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition<br /> and to the Lawe, and further hee deposeth not:/: To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true:/: To the Interrogatoryes:/: [CENTRE HEADING] To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith hee was Gunner of the<br /> said ship the ''Warewell'', the time Interrate, and saith hee knoweth<br /> the foresaid Dutch ship to whom the said Anchor belonged by sight<br /> and that shee is of the burthen of about 200 Tonnes. and saith<br /> shee did ride at Anchor in a place where ship doe use to ride<br /> at Anchor:/. To the 3d hee saith the ''Warewell'' came to an Anchor neere Wapping<br /> Dock at a high water [?slake] and at a lowe water was bilged<br /> upon the said Anchor, and further cannot answer:/: To the 4th hee saith the said ship ''Warewell'' lay about Eighteene<br /> houres, at Wapping Dock before her said Bilging upon the said<br /> Anchor. To the 5th and 6th hee saith hee was on board the said ship at the<br /> time of her bilging and soe was all the said time<br /> shee roade there till such her bilging, saving, for about two houres<br /> that hee was on shore, which his goeing ashore was on a ?Tuesday about<br /> twelve of the Clock in the day, and returned about two<br /> of the Clock of the same daye, and further cannot depose To the 7th hee saith that severall other ships lye neere<br /> the Place where the ''Warewell'' lay at Anchor, And further<br /> answereth not.:/. To the 8th negatively/. To the 9th hee saith that the Master and some of the Company of the<br /> ''Warewell'' having found the aforesaid Anchor that<br /> belonged to the said Dutch ship they tooke away the same<br /> said Anchor weighed as hee thinketh betwixt 150 and 200 weight. but<br /> knoweth not the Vallue thereof and further he cannot Depose./. (Toereof and further he cannot Depose./. (To  +
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