First transcribed
26 July 2013 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
3 +
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HCA 13/73 +
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 26/07/2013 +
what salt hee wanted or would send for out … what salt hee wanted or would send for out of the sayd shipp<br />
be delivered unto him And further hee cannot depose.
To the 15th article of the sayd libell hee saith that the sayd Mr Woods haveing receaved the<br />
sayd noate soe seemed to be very glad thereof and sent this deponent to Mr Ellet<br />
and Mr Pardon and Robert Rogers and Captaine Reynolds and others Who were by contract<br />
to have salt from aboard the sayd shipp and desyred them to send<br />
their boates aboard the sayd shipp for the salt which the sayd Woods had<br />
sould unto them whereto the sayd people replyed that the divell should have<br />
him before they would goe againe to receave salt from aboard him yet<br />
notwithstanding the fishing tyme being almost spent and they being in great<br />
want of salt they sent their boates againe aboard the sayd shipp for<br />
salt and demanded the same but the sayd Grove would not permitt<br />
them to receave any salt from aboard the sayd shipp by which meanes<br />
the sayd Wood began to loose his reputation in the<br />
sale of his salt and was discharged amongst those to whome hee<br />
had sold it whereas hee neede not soe to have bin for that there was<br />
of this deponents knowledge then aboard the sayd shipp about thirty<br />
tonnes of ffish and about sixty tonnes of salt and about sixty tonnes<br />
of stones besides great store of provisions of beefe porke pease and<br />
other provisions and the ship then rideing in the harbour of Saint Jones (sic)<br />
which is the safest and best or at least as good and<br />
safe a harbour as any is in the Newfound land soe that in his the<br />
deponents Judgment the sayd Grove by such his refractory and<br />
discontented Carriage and words and actions did intend<br />
to overthrow the sayd shipps voyage And further hee cannot depose/
To the 16th hee cannot depose./
To the 17th hee cannot depose/
To the 18th hee cannot depose/
To the 19th hee saith that in the moneth of September 1657 (the certayne<br />
day hee remembreth not) the ''Peace'' being come out some few dayes before<br />
from Newfound Land the shipp the ''Peace'' and her company of espied three<br />
shipps at Sea which they thought to be some of her consorts<br />
bound for the Barbados And the ''Peace'' bearing up to them the Master<br />
and Company of the ''Pease'' know the shipp they came up with all to be one<br />
that came out in Company of the ''Peace'' from Nants and thereupon<br />
the sayd Grove the Master persuaded the sayd Woods to goe aboard the sayd shipp<br />
which at his request hee did (though hee being accompayed with Robert Grove one of the sayd Masters Mates so sayd Woods were [XXX] unwilling soe to do<br />
and ?hee sent the ''Peace'' her boate aboard her againe, And this being done<br />
and the sayd Grove the Master still continewing aboard his sayd<br />
shipp the ''Peace'' the sayd shipp the ''Peace'' by order of the sayd Grove the<br />
Master stood off about halfe a league from the sayd other shipp that came<br />
in her company from Nants and then stood to the winde of her and by [?this]<br />
meanes came her aboard in the quarter to the great endangereing<br />
of the sayd shipps insoemuch that the ffrench men aboard the sayd shipp<br />
seeing the great danger their says shipp was in gott out of her into the ''Peace''<br />
leavingher into the ''Peace''<br />
leaving +
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