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HCA 13/73 f.37v Annotate
First transcribed 8 August 2013  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 37  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 08/08/2013  +
Transcription that after this deponent was examined and that after this deponent was examined and had averred the said shipp to be<br /> of ligorne and the loading to belong to Italians, the said factors procured<br /> that shee should have Pratique there after visitation of her health briefs and disptaches<br /> should be made by the officers of the place according to custome, and<br /> saith the Al?colder or officer ordered this deponent to goe and remaine<br /> aboard till such visitation were made, telling this deponent that soe<br /> it must be, for that they had had information that not longe before there<br /> had bin greate sicknes in Italy, and soe this deponent went aboard<br /> accordingly, And further deposeth not, saving hee went that time ashore<br /> in the boate of a dutch shipp that was riding neere the ''Lisbone frigot'',<br /> And saith that two dayes after this deponents said retourne aboard<br /> the officers came to the sea side and sent aboard the said shipp the<br /> ''Lisbone frigot'' (then there riding by the name of the ''Saint Anthony of''<br /> ''Padua''), to have her bills of health and dispatches brought ashore<br /> to them to the end that they having visited them, the said shipp<br /> might proceed to her pratique or trade, and at this comming of the<br /> said officers, the said John maria Basso the next day before their<br /> said comming advised this deponent by a letter, And saith that the<br /> Captain del marie or officer usually imployed in that behalfe<br /> being soe come aboard at the end of the said two dayes, to advertize<br /> them of the Lieutenants or officers attendance ashore to view their<br /> dispatches, and the said Capitan dell mara withall requiring in the<br /> name of the said officers ashore that this deponent should come<br /> with the said dispatches and bring the masters mate, pilot, chiurgion<br /> and boatswaine with him, and one of the shipps company putting<br /> it into the said Bartholomew ketchers his h?ead that this was some<br /> trick to get them ashore and betray them, and<br /> saying that if noe hurt was intended the merchant would have<br /> written to the said ketcher from shore, and therewithall the said<br /> ketcher and company began to weigh as if they would begonne,<br /> notwithstanding that this deponent acquainted them that hee had the day<br /> before received advise from shore from the said John Maria Bassa<br /> p?urporting such comming of the officers, and their end to be (according<br /> to custome) only to view the health brief, and dispatches, and soe<br /> license the said shipp to proceede to her trade; And saith further that<br /> the same day towards evening, they from shore seeing the said shipp<br /> preparing to saile, sent a boate aboard againe with a white cloth<br /> or flagge, and the clarke of the examinations in the said boate, who<br /> asked this deponent the reason thez came not ashore being sent for,<br /> to which the said ketcher bidd or ordered this deponent to answer<br /> that in regard hee had a pilot or masters mate and foure or five English mariners<br /> aboard, hee durst not come through feare of danger, whereupon the<br /> said John Maria Basso who was alsoe in the said boate with the<br /> said clarke or scivana, said, feare nothing, but come ashore XXX<br /> my word, I shall secure you or words to the same effect, for said XXXX<br /> wee live here in an Iland where wee have occasion of all sort?s of<br /> peoplecasion of all sort?s of<br /> people  +
Transcription image [[File:P1110925.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/P1110925.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.37v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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