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HCA 13/73 f.159r Annotate
First transcribed 3 February 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 159  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 03/02/2014  +
Transcription account of himselfe and his aid three partaccount of himselfe and his aid three partners to be carried to the<br /> Canaries and such places in the West Indies as the said van hulten or<br /> his Agents should direct and appoint, to be bartered and sold awy for<br /> goods of those places to be brought to such places as the said van hulten<br /> or his factors or agents should order, all for the foresaid account. All which<br /> hee knoweth for that hee saw the said hulten but the said goods and sawe them<br /> packed and marked and [?part] of them paid for by him; and saw<br /> the other three [XXXX] their parts in payment thereof. To the fifth article hee saith and deposeth that after and upon the said affreightment<br /> the said Phillip van hulten appointed and constituted this deponent (a<br /> hamburgder borne and then dwelling at Amsterdam with the said van hulten)<br /> Cape Mearchant of the said shipp, and entrusted the management of the<br /> voyage of and disposall of the goods unto him, and at this deponents proceeding<br /> the said van hulten gae him instructions in writing under his hand for<br /> the ordering and governing of the said voyage. To the sixth article and schedule annexed now showed unto him hee<br /> saith and deposeth that the said schedule is a true copie of the said Instructions<br /> soe given unto him by the said van hulten for the said voyage, and the contents<br /> thereof were and are true and soe had and done as therein is contained,<br /> which hee knoweth well remembring the said Instructions, and having now<br /> read the said copie over. To the seaventh article hee saith that after the lading of the said shipp with<br /> the said goods soe provided, shee set saile and departed therewith from<br /> Amsterdam and arived therewith at Santa Cruce in Teneriff in the Canaries<br /> where this deponent delivered out a parcell of deales and other of her<br /> outwards lading to Cornelius Suystens a factor there residing, a dutch man, subiect<br /> of the States of the United Netherlands and factor of the said van hulten borne at S'Hertogenbosch. and in<br /> barter and retourne thereof received there aboard the said shipp thirtie<br /> pipes of Canarie wines and thirtie ar[robes] of oile, and six s[?taes] (blacke)<br /> for the use and account of the said foure claimers the producents. To the eighth article hee saith and deposeth that at the Canari{a}s aforesaid<br /> this deponent according to [?an] order by him receied beforehand from the said<br /> van hulten before his departure from Amsterdam received and tooke aboard<br /> the said shipp fourteene Spaniards upon hire and wages to be added to the<br /> said shipps company consisting before of six and thirtie persons, all dutch and<br /> Easterlings in amitie with this Commonwealth, in regard the Spaniards<br /> were better experienced in stowing of hides than the dutch men are<br /> and more free and [?for] to goe ashore and appeare in the parts of the said<br /> Werst Indias in the Spanish dominion than the dutch or any other nations<br /> are and soe more usefull for the furtherance of the said designe. To the nineth article hee saith and deposeth that after receiving and taking<br /> in the said goods and Spaniards at Canaries the said John van lynen master<br /> of the said shipp and company departed therewith and with the rest of the<br /> said outwards lading towards the Spanish West Indias, and arived at Santa<br /> domingo therewith, this deponent going along therwith to Santa domingo, where<br /> with the assistance of John Mexia da herera (who being skilled in that<br /> trade went al[?one] from Amsterdam in the said shipp to assist this<br /> deponent) bartered sold and trucked away all the said<br /> outwards goods and those brought from the Canaries, and invested the same<br /> in hides, Cacoa, Tobacco, Brasill wood and Ginger for account of the<br /> said foure claimers the producents. To the tenth hee saith that the said goods soe made and bought by the said<br /> herera and this deponent for the said account in retourne of their said goods<br /> there sold were nine thousand, seaven hundred and twenty bull hides,<br /> three thousand fourtie nine middle sized hides, one thousand one hundred<br /> twenty eight raw hides, in all thirteene thousand eight hundred ninetie<br /> andsand eight hundred ninetie<br /> and  +
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