names in the booke of the account of the c … names in the booke of the account of the cost and charge of the said shipp<br />
[?ever] man for the part that hee would have and owne, as the use there<br />
To the third Interrogatorie hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition where<br />
alsoe the same is fully satisfied, adding that being soe halfe built, this<br />
deponent in the name and by direction of the said claimers having contracted<br />
for it, ordered the manner of finishing, rigging and fitting her, and being<br />
afloate went aboard and possessed her to the use of his said owners.
To the fourth hee saith hee is well assured that the said<br />
producents bought the said shipp for their owne account and<br />
the money for the same, which this deponent had the paying of and saith<br />
that Michael Engels, daniel C[?alline] and hendrick Momma, and<br />
Garret de Jagar and [?kXXX] de [?Barker] and alsoe this deponent are the persons that are the company of the said h[XXXX GUTTER]<br />
Petersson, Gilbert Cornelison Schunten Nicholas Bleauhelm, William<br />
Momma and Marten ffransen vander Schilder, in the said ownershipp<br />
of the said vessell, and that none other but the said persons here [XXX GUTTER]<br />
9[XXX] that the said Christofer Weygerson and Jerome Rynda[XXXX] gonne<br />
off) hath any share or interest in the said shipp, or had the same of<br />
such her firsy buying, and referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition<br />
And cannot otherwise answer, saving the said da Jagar and Da [?BarkerXX] are<br />
Joha[X] V: Liy[?en] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 19th of March 1658.
The claime of John Moller for his goods}<br />
plate and money in the shipp the ''Saint Mary''}<br />
whereof John van Linen was master taken by}<br />
the ''ffairfax frigot'', Robert Story commander.}
Examined upon an allegation given in on the<br />
behalfe of the said claimer the [?nineth]<br />
'''John van Lynen''' of Amsterdam Mariner Commander<br />
of the said shipp the ''Saint Mary'', aged 37 yeeres or thereabouts<br />
sworne and examined.
To the first article hee saith and deposeth that in June 1657 the said<br />
shipp the ''Saint Mary'' proceeding from the port of Amsterdam for the [?Canaries GUTTER]<br />
and the West Indies on a trading voyage, the said John Mollar went Cape<br />
Merchant of her, and carried in her for his owne account<br />
linnen peeces of serges, [?laces], and other goods to the value of<br />
seaben hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts, and this deponent [?verily] beleveth<br />
they were for his owne particular account, seeing him lade and take particular<br />
care of them the said voyage, as being for his owne adventure, and That [?with GUTTER]<br />
them hee arived in the said shipp at Santa domingo in the Spanish West Indies<br />
which hee knoweth because hee this deponent went commander of the said shipp
To the second and third articles and schedule annexed hee saith and deposeth<br />
that after such arivall of the said shipp at Santa domingo with the said goods<br />
the said John Mollar sold and bartered away the same for plate money<br />
and goods, and received in truck and retourne thereof in plate, dishes, [XXXX GUTTER]<br />
wine pots, candlesticks, porrigers, spoones, forkes, [XXXXs], salt [XXXX GUTTER]<br />
a pepper box, a water pot, and a wine cup all of silver or plate [#]
[#] [LH MARGIN]<br />
and weighing together<br />
seaventie markes and three<br />
ounces and a halfe, and alsoe
nine barrs of silver weighing sixtie eight markes and six ounces<br />
one hundred peeces of eight which hee had in a bagg<br />
one hundred and eight hides a parcell of [?cacoa]<br />
containing [?fourtie] cargoes and thirteen pounds, and a parcell of Tortois shells<br />
of the number of fourtie two dozens, which hee knoweth taking a [XXXX XXXX XXXXX XXX GUTTER] All which late, money and goods hee<br />
the said Mollar bought, [?gained], and provided, and laded the same aboard<br />
the and laded the same aboard<br />
the +