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HCA 13/72 f.606r Annotate
First transcribed 16 December 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 606  +
Parent volume HCA 13/72  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 16/12/2015  +
Transcription The same day. [CENTRE HEADING] Examined uThe same day. [CENTRE HEADING] Examined upom the foresaid allegation. '''Rp.''' '''2.''' '''Derrick Everson''' of Schagen in holland Mariner,<br /> aged 28 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined. To the first second and third articles hee cannot depose<br /> not knoweing either the arlate Giles Marsellis, John<br /> harmans or Cornelius Suyshens. To the fourth fifth sixth 7 and 8th hee saith that about<br /> two monethes since there were at Santa Cruse arlate laded and<br /> put aboard the shipp the ''Liesda'' or ''Love'' arlate by a yonge<br /> dutch factor or merchant there then resident three thousand<br /> one hundred eightie and one peeces of Campecha wood<br /> to be in her carried thence to and delivered at Amsterdam,<br /> which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent was then<br /> Stiersman of the said shipp and received and tooke<br /> account of the same as it came aboard, and saith that the<br /> said shipp having received the same aboard departed therewith for Amsterdam,<br /> and comming neere dover was seized by the ''dartmouth frigot'' and carried<br /> to the English Admirall in the downes, before whom this deponent being<br /> afterwards brought, hee saw the bill of lading annexed in the said<br /> Admiralls hands, touching which there was some dispute for that it<br /> mentioned three thousand one hundred eightie and foure peeces, whereas<br /> this deponent averred to the Admirall (as the truth was) that there<br /> was but 3181 peeces laded for the merchants account and that there was therein a mistake in the<br /> bill. And saith hee well knoweth the firme or hand of his<br /> precontest Gerrard Grabb master of the said shipp, and verily beleeveth<br /> his name under the said bill to be written with the said Gerrards owne<br /> hand, And further hee cannot depose,s aving that at the time of the said<br /> seizure all the said wood was aboard and came to the takers. To the 9. 10th and 11th hee saith the said Campecha wood was as hee was<br /> informed and beleeveth laden for account of Merchants of Amsterdam<br /> and there to be delivered. And saith the said factor tooke the said shipp<br /> of the said naster to freight at Santa Cruse, for the said voyage to carry the<br /> said goods to Amsterdam. And further hee cannot depose. To the 12th hee saith that his foregoing deposition is true. To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING] To the first hee cannot answer. To the 2, third and fourth hee answereth that upon the comming of the ''Liesda''<br /> to Santa Cruse, this deponent saw there a shipp riding named the ''Saint John''<br /> which ws said to come from the West Indies, and saith the said factor that<br /> laded the said Campecha wood aboard the ''Liesda'', received about halfe<br /> of it out of the said shipp, and laded it next wayes aboard the ''Liesda''<br /> without carrying it ashore, and sent the rest from land, and<br /> this deponent beleeveth that that whichwas soe sent from land<br /> came alsoe out of the ''Saint John'', and saith hee heard that the ''Saint John''<br /> had taken a shipp at the West Indies, but of what countrey or whence<br /> such shipp was hee heard not nor knoweth. And otherwise saveing as aforesaid<br /> cannot answer./ To the 5th hee hath not soe deposed. To the last hee cannot answer. [?dXXXX] [?dXXXX] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] (To?dXXXX] [?dXXXX] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] (To  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_121_11_5540.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_121_11_5540.JPG|[[:HCA 13/72|HCA 13/72]] f.606r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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