To the second hee saith that the said ship … To the second hee saith that the said shipp being in her Course for<br />
Druntun aforesaid shee was met with by an Ostend Man of<br />
warr (Comanded by Laurence Andreas) of off Lewes Island on<br />
the back side of Scotland, by whom shee was taken and<br />
seized, and carryed as Prize, together with her lading aboard her to<br />
Grinea Port in the King of Spaines Dominions. Which Seizure he<br />
saith was made on the 5th of August last, The Premisses<br />
he deposeth being a Comon man, and on board the said<br />
ship at the Surprizall aforesaid, and an Eye witnes of the same
To the 3d and 4th Interrogatories hee saith hee well knoweth the Interrate<br />
John Broughton and John Abbot of London<br />
which Broughton and Abbot hee saith had aboard the said shipp, at the time of her<br />
seizure for their owne accompt (as this deponent hath Credibly<br />
heard and verily beleeveth) Part of the Lading of the said<br />
shipp, according to their parts they were owners of the shipp<br />
for as hee saith the owners were ffreighters of the same, And<br />
saith the said Lading was Pipestaves, Leather, Slatts, Wooll,<br />
Cloth and a good quantity of˺ Money (but howe much hee knoweth not) which were<br />
laden by the Interrogated John Abbot Master of the said ship at Carr[ies GUTTER]<br />
Vergus, and were to be carried to Drunton aforesaid and there<br />
to be sold by the said Abbot upon the joint accompt, And<br />
saith that the said John Broughton was owner of five 16th parts<br />
and John Abbot of six sixteenth parts of the said shipp Tackle<br />
and furniture, (As by the bills of Sale made for the same<br />
and nowe seene by this Deponent appeareth) At the time of her<br />
seizure aforesaid, 11 Parts together with their parts of the<br />
Lading aboard her were utterly lost to the said John Broughton<br />
and John Abbott, by the meanes aforesaid without any satisffaction or restitution for the same All which hee knoweth<br />
to be true for the reasons aforesaid:/:
Randall Wilkinson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
'''Rp. 3us'''
'''George Wilkinson''' of Ipswich in Suffolk Marriner<br />
late fforemast man of the said ship ''King David''<br />
aged 18 yeeres or thereabouts, sworne and Examined as<br />
To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith hee did very well<br />
knowe the Interrate shipp the ''King David'' of London whereof John<br />
Abbot was Master and Soe hath done ever since her departure from<br />
Gravesend upon this her last Voyage, And that the last port the<br />
said shipp was at before her seizure was Carrisvergus, and<br />
that shee set saile from thence about the latter end of July or beginning of<br />
August last bound for Druntum in Norway and that in her courser Druntum in Norway and that in her course +