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HCA 13/71 f.96r Annotate
First transcriber Jill Wilcox  +
Folio 96  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 30/11/2012  +
Transcription should have it. And further to theise artishould have it. And further to theise articles hee cannot depose for<br /> that hee did not goe in Companie with the said french Captaines<br /> aboard the said English men of warr:/ To the 9th hee saith, that the said shipp the ''Golden Eagle'' was and is a<br /> Vessell of about 100. tunnes having aboard her at the time aforesaid<br /> 12. gunns, and ninety foure men, and the said shipp the ''Royall''<br /> ''Marie'' was and is a Vessell of about one hundred men, and saith that<br /> either of the said Vessell or shipps of warr was able enough alone and<br /> by her owne proper strength then aboard her to have possessed her selfe<br /> by force of The said shipp ''fortune''; if they had not bin hindered by<br /> the said English frigatt, And saith, the said shipp ''Golden Eagle''<br /> had her Commission from the king of ffrance aboard her the<br /> time shee chased the said shipp ''fortune'', which this deponent often saw<br /> and observed, and beleeveth the said shipp ''Royall'' had also her<br /> Commission then aboard her. And further cannot depose:- To the 10th hee saith, That hee verily beleeveth, that according to the<br /> Course the said shipp ''fortune'' shaped when first espyed by the<br /> said frenchmen of warr, shee was directly bound for dunquirke or some<br /> other Port in fflanders in obedence to the king of Spain, and beleeveth<br /> the wynes and goods aboard her did belong to fflandrians subjects of the<br /> said king. And otherwise saving his foregoing deposition hee saith hee<br /> cannot depose:- To the last hee saith, his foregoeing deposition is true./ '''Rowe dt.''' To the Crosse interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING] To the first hee saith, hee never know the shipp ''fortune'' interrate<br /> shee was chased by the said frenchmen of warr. To the second hee saith was not in ffrance at the lading of the goods<br /> interrate, nor knoweth the interrate Mr Ba[?st]erode, Mr Coppen<br /> nor Cover[?t] Lamerts, nor what Countriemen, or whose subjects they are To the third hee saith , that the lading of the said shipp fortune consisted<br /> in wynes of Nantes, and were bound for dunquirke or some other that<br /> the king of Spaines ports in fflanders for the accompt of fflandrians, as this<br /> rendent verily beleeveth), but for whole particular accompt hee saith had<br /> knoweth not, And further cannot depose, having never bin aboard the<br /> said shipp ''fortune'', and knowing of a nothing of any papers or writings<br /> found aboard her at her said late seizure./ To the 4th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof./ To the 5th hee saith, that the said shipp ''fortune'' and ladeing were seized<br /> by the said English friggat betwixt the downes and dover, about a<br /> league and a half from Dover and not under the command of any<br /> English fort or Castle but that 5. or 6 English shipps of the fleete of this<br /> Commonwealth at Anchor in the Downes, when the said shipp<br /> ''fortune'' was so seized as aforesayd, about 2. leagues distance from the said seizure To the 6th hee saith, the said frenchmen of warr never left chasing the<br /> said shipp ''fortune'' till such time, as shee was seized by the said English<br /> frigatt, and that they pursed her till about a league and a half from<br /> Dover but not within the command of any English fort or Castle,<br /> nor of any shipp of the fleete of this Commonwealth then lyeing in the Downes<br /> for the defence thereof./ the marke of<br /> Eustace [MARKE] Bennard [MARKE, RH SIDE]; Eustace [MARKE] Bennard [MARKE, RH SIDE]  +
Transcription image [[File:P1130394.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/P1130394.JPG|[[:HCA 13/71|HCA 13/71]] f.96r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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