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HCA 13/71 f.79r Annotate
First transcribed 28 November 2012  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 79  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 28/11/2012  +
Transcription '''A6:/''' hee spake aboard the ''Cesar'''''A6:/''' hee spake aboard the ''Cesar'' in the presense of this deponent and the fore=<br /> sayd Marco the sayd William ffowkes man And hee saith that after these words<br /> spoken the sayd William ffowke againe sayd hee felt him selfe not well, and<br /> desyred a cupp of stronge Water, and the sayd ffudge told him that hee had noe strong<br /> waters that came from England, but some such as that countrie afoarded and<br /> caused this deponent to give him some thereof and hee saith that from that tyme<br /> forewards the sayd ffowke grew worse and wor worse and in this deponent hearing complayned of an exceeding<br /> great heat and burning in his Entrailes and dyed upon the 6th day of the sayd<br /> moneth (being as hee beleeveth a thursday) in the morning in the Cabin of the ''Cesar'' And saith it was<br /> generally reported amongst the Sea men belonging to the ''Cesar'' that the sayd<br /> William ffowke (by reason hee complayned hee was not well when hee came<br /> first aboard, and dyed soe soone after) was poisoned on shoare before his sayd<br /> comming aboard the sayd shipp And further to this article hee cannot<br /> depose/ To the 16th 17th 18th and 19th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith<br /> hee knoweth that the sayd Consull William ffowke being dead the sayd<br /> Captaine ffudge did with his shipp the ''Cesar'' sayle from Nathalagoe to Zant<br /> and there tooke in a man whose name (as hee hath heard and beleeveth) was and is<br /> Clement harbye, and with him on board returned with his sayd shipp to<br /> Nathalagoe Roade And further to these articles hee cannot depose not being privie to what passed betwixt the arlate ffudge and Gifford/ To the 20th hee saith hee wll knoweth that none of the Nathalagoe Currans<br /> were laden aboard the ''Cesar'' And further to this article hee cannot depose/ To the 21th and 22th and 23th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee well knoweth<br /> that the arlate William ffudge and Clement harbye went back in the ''Cesar''<br /> from Nathalagoe to Petras to take aboard the shipp the Currans of<br /> the Morea, and saith that during their being there aforesayd hamett Bashawe<br /> and one Constantine a Greeke servants (as it was sayd) of the<br /> sayd deceased Consull brought in boats currants from the Gulphe to the<br /> ''Cesars'' side, and some Turkes who (as it appeared) ought the sayd Currans<br /> coming in the sayd boates with them they would not suffer the sayd Currans<br /> to be laden aboard the ''Cesar'' till they were paid for them, whereupon hee<br /> saith the sayd harbie called to the sayd captaine ffudge and told him soe<br /> much and there upon the sayd Captaine ffudge called to this deponent<br /> (who kept the key of the sayd Captaines chest) and commanded him<br /> to give to the sayd Mr harbye two thousand dollers towards<br /> payment of the sayd Turkes for the sayd Currans whereupon hee this<br /> (having noe other dollers then in his Custodie save those receaved<br /> at Genoa as aforesayd) did deliver to the sayd harbie two baggs of<br /> the sayd dollers sealed up as they were delivered and conteyning as hee<br /> beleeveth each a thousand dollers and the sayd harbie tooke the samedollers and the sayd harbie tooke the same  +
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