departed and afterwards arived in safetie … departed and afterwards arived in safetie with the said goods at the Iland<br />
of Teneriffe, where the said exported goods soe laden for mr ffernandez his<br />
account, were unladen, and by him this deponent (the said ffernendez his<br />
factor) sold and disposed for the account of the said Antonio ffernendez<br />
Caravajall, and this hee saith was and is true publique and notorious<br />
and otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the seventh article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that<br />
the arlate John danielson being dutchman and thereby proper to make<br />
the said shipp passe and trade at the Canaries as a dutch shipp, went<br />
in her thither by order of the owners, (and with the privitie of the said<br />
ffernandez) as one of her masters, being there to represent and stand as<br />
sole master of her for better securities in trade, and to make semblance<br />
that hee being a subiect of the States of the United Netherlands, the<br />
goods might seeme to belong to their subiects, or others in amitie with<br />
them, and not to the subiects of this Commonwealth, in regard of the warrs<br />
betwixt England and Spaine, and accordingly the said John danielson<br />
did at Teneriffa give out that hee was and appeared and passed as sole master<br />
of the said vessell, and as if shee were belonging to subiects of the United<br />
Netherlands, and came to trade for them, and to the purpose hee signed<br />
the bills of lading (by himselfe as Purser) for the goods there laden for this<br />
port, and to the end aforesaid the arlate Robert hunter did there disowne<br />
his master-shipp, and not signe the bills, with all which artifice for<br />
the securing of the said shipp and lading from seizure by the Spaniards<br />
hee this deponent was thoroughly acquainted, hee being factor as aforesaid.
To the eighth article hee saith that hee and in her voyage the said ship was commanded called and<br />
knowne by the name of the ''Irish Merchant'', and nowe and then of the<br />
''dolphin'', but at Teneriffe alwaies by name of the ''dolphin'', under<br />
which name shee passed as a shipp of the United Netherlands, and saith<br />
the shipp mentioned in the Charterpartie by the name of the ''Irish Merchant''<br />
and the said shipp be sometimes called the ''dolphin'' were and are one and<br />
the same shipp, which hee saith was and is publique and notorious./
To the nineth hee saith that after the arivall of the said shipp at Teneriff<br />
the said voyage with the said ffrench linnens and other goods for as aforesaid<br />
here laded and carried thither, hee this deponent factor and agent of<br />
the said Antonio ffernandez Caravajall having there disposed thereof<br />
for the said account, did in or about the moneth of June 1656, lade<br />
and cause to be laden aboard her, then lying before Oratavo, fiftie<br />
three pipes of wine marked with the marke in the margent, and<br />
six hundred seventie seven hides, to be taken thence transported in her for<br />
the said mr ffernandez his account, and here delivered to him or his<br />
agent or assignes for his use, namely for the said ffernandez<br />
his proper account.
To the tenth and 11th articles of the said allegation and to the bill of lading<br />
annexed nowe showed unto him, hee saith and deposeth that upon the<br />
lading of the said fiftie three pipes of wine and six hundred<br />
seventie seven hides aboard the said shipp, this deponent who (as<br />
factor aforesaid) was the lader thereof required bills of lading for the<br />
same of and from the said John danielson, who thereupon signed<br />
three bills (all of one tenre) for the same in this deponents presence<br />
and saith that the said bill annexed was and is one of the said three<br />
bills of lading, and found by the said John danielson on or about the<br />
day of the date thereof, and that the contents thereof are true.f, and that the contents thereof are true. +