And otherwise negatively
To the second he … And otherwise negatively
To the second hee saith hee was as aforesaid Masters mate of the shipp in<br />
question during the voyage interrate, and saith the some part of his<br />
wages for the said voyage are yet unpayd, this rendent not knowing [XXX XXX GUTTER]<br />
till the accompts between him and the said Master bee made up
To the third hee saith hee was present and heard the order interrate<br />
by the said Martin Lony to the said Master Eleazar le Merchaut to<br />
goe to Narmentier aforesaid with the said shipp and that a Charter partie<br />
was made to that purpose, and saith hee knoweth not that it was [?otherwise GUTTER]<br />
or more particularly therein expressed, then to go to Narmentiers aforesaid there to take in [XXXX GUTTER]<br />
that the brandewindes or Aquavites aforesaid were to be discharged, as<br />
they have at this Port of London, And further hee knoweth not./
To the 4th hee saith, That hee sawe no moneys payd for the taking<br />
or preserving of the Aquavites interrate, and that the said aquavites were<br />
not unladen nor taken but in reference to the preservation of the said shipp<br />
for that the said Master and Companie then reputed the said shipp to [?be GUTTER]<br />
irrecoverable, but meerely and purely with an intent to preserve the<br />
Merchauts goods, and that if the said brandewine or Aquavite [XXX GUTTER]<br />
had not been soe taken out and secured by the said Eleazar Le Merchauts<br />
direction, the same swimming in the hould had in all likelihood been<br />
broken in pieces, and the aquavites utterly lost to the Owner thereof
To the 5th hee saith that if the said shipp had continued in the place where<br />
shee first anchored as aforesaid, (being a more commodious roade, then<br />
thereabouts) the dammage in question had in all probability not happened<br />
and that the said dammage was meerely occasioned by her being [XXX GUTTER]<br />
in and anchored soe neere to the rocks and sandbancks as aforesaid
To the 6th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition. And further hee<br />
cannot depose:
The same day examined upon the said libell and [XXX GUTTER]
'''Rp. 2./'''
'''Jaques Durand''' of Saint Malo in france Mariner the<br />
Pilott of the said shipp the ''ffortune'' aged 52. yeares or<br />
thereabouts sworne and examined saith as followeth
To the first Article or position of the said Libell hee saith that hee well<br />
knoweth that in the moneths of September October November december<br />
and January lilate the arlate Eleazar Le Merchaut was Master<br />
and Commander of the arlate shipp the ''ffortune'' of Garnerey which<br />
hee this examinate well knoweth having served as Pilott in and about<br />
the said shipp all the voyage in question:
To the second hee saith, That in the moneth of November last past in the yeare of<br />
1656: the said shipp being in the River of Nantes under the Control<br />
and Conduct of the said Master did there receive, and there [XXX GUTTER]<br />
on board her thirteen hogsheads, and three pipes of Aquavites<br />
by the order of one Monsieur de Loney ffardiere a Merchant [XXX GUTTER]<br />
at Nantes to bee brought in the said shipp to this Port of London on<br />
the accompt of an English Merchant, whose name this examinate knoweth [?not GUTTER]<br />
the Master of the same shipp being then alsoe ordered to thence to Narmentier<br />
arlate, and as to the freight agreed upon for the transportation of the<br />
said Aquavites, hee saith hee doeth not know nor [XXXX] any [?notice GUTTER]
To the third hee saith, That the said shipp in pursuance of the said Order<br />
did shortly anchor the imbarqueing of the said Aquavite's sett sayle and<br />
depart from the said River of Nantes, to Narm[?o]ntier aforesaid being<br />
there to go perfect her lading for England by the said Lonys direction which was to bee putt on board<br />
by the arlate Mr La [?Gestiere] Gazeau the Correspondent of the said<br />
Le Lone ffardiere, and soe to saile for London which accordingly<br />
this deponent for all the said voyage serving as Pilott in the quality aforesaid<br />
aboard the said shipp, and thereby well knowing the premisses/p, and thereby well knowing the premisses/ +