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HCA 13/71 f.457v Annotate
First transcribed 16 December 2012  +
First transcriber Karen Gunnell  +
Folio 457  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 16/12/2012  +
Transcription The tenth of January 1656 Tatnell againstThe tenth of January 1656 Tatnell against Neale} Examined upone the foresaid allegation in the ácts of Court '''Rp. 2''' '''William Stratford''' of dover Mariner, aged 19 yeares<br /> or thereabouts sworne and examined. To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth<br /> the allegate William Cooper, having sailed with him in one and the<br /> same shipp, and saith that in or about the moneth of October<br /> hee this deponent being at Lisbon in the shipp ''Susan'' of London<br /> (John Perriman master) and going there on shore met the said Cooper<br /> with whome this deponent was well acquainted, and dranke with<br /> him severall times there, and this deponent (understanding that<br /> the said Cooper had left the shipp the ''Tyger'' of dover whereunto<br /> hee had belonged), asked him the reason of such<br /> his leaving her, and whie (sic) hee did not goe home in her to which<br /> hee the said Cooper answered that it was his owne desire to leave her and<br /> that he had noe minde to goe home in her, or in words to the [?same GUTTER]<br /> same effect. And of further acknowledged that before the said<br /> shipp the ''Tygers'' departure thence, the boatswaine of her met<br /> him ashore and told him that she was ready to saile, and asked<br /> him if hee would goe aboard, and that hee told the boatswaine<br /> as hee said, that hee would goe fetch his shirts which he had<br /> ashore, and come presently aboard, but confessed that hee not<br /> goe aboard. And otherrwise hee cannot depose. To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING] To the fifth hee said the said Cooper went out Carpenters [mate GUTTER]<br /> in the said shipp from England that voyage, which hee knoweth for that<br /> hee this respondent went alsoe out in her and continued in her<br /> sixteene monethes or thereabouts the said voyage, before hee this deponent<br /> left her, and during all that there the said Cooper was Carpenters<br /> mate and Carpenter of her, not remembring how long he was [?the GUTTER]<br /> cheife Carpenter, and saith hee the said Cooper came into and belonged first [XXX GUTTER]<br /> said shipp for that voyage in ffebruary 1654, and otherwise hee cannot [?answer GUTTER] To the second hee saith hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid. William [?Stratford] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] ***************************** The same day. [CENTRE HEADING] Examined upon the foresaid allegation Williamined upon the foresaid allegation William  +
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