others (before their meeting with the dutc … others (before their meeting with the dutch built vessell in question) by whom<br />
they were informed that there was peace made betweene this<br />
Commonwealth and the States of the United Netherlands and their respective<br />
subiects, and had not any information at all to the contrary, but still<br />
that all was a peace, and some ffisher[?men] said that Van Trump was<br />
beheaded as one that had endeavoured to hinder the peace, all which this<br />
deponent heard, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 4 hee saith that the dutch vessell in question which was met<br />
withall by Mr Pibus and company in their said retourne,<br />
was soe met withall off Shetland, and about two hundred leagues<br />
from England, and the said Pibus only haled her to aske newes of<br />
her, but did not make any fight with her, but only shot certaine<br />
shotts wide of her to make her come by the lee, and saith the said<br />
Pibus and company could not make any seizure of her, having noe<br />
Commission in that behalfe, and should hee and company have adventured<br />
to have seized her and to bringe her for England, and that the peace had<br />
bin before hand made (as they had heard and beleeved) and that in<br />
their cause they should have bin met with by any dutch men of warr<br />
or other of that nation, they the said Pibus and company<br />
should have bin liable to have suffered as Pirates, besides hee could<br />
not have well [?spared] man to man her considering howe hee was soe bound<br />
to keepe his shipp manned, and had any dammage or losse happened to<br />
his shipp or goods by such seizure, hee had bin liable to his<br />
Imployers for acting without Commission, and their order, And<br />
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the fifth hee saith that the master and company of the said<br />
dutch vessell were almost quite destitute of victualls and provisions.<br />
and therefore desired to barter and did barter and truck some goods<br />
with Mr Pibus for victualls and necessaries, and freely and<br />
voluntarily delivered and exchanged the same, And that there was nothing at all<br />
taken from or out of the said shipp by force or against the liking of the<br />
master thereof. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the sixth article hee saith and deposeth that the said Pibus and<br />
company outwards bound that voyage, heaving up the anchor of their<br />
said shipp ''Martha'' belowe Quinburough, did alsoe heave up a<br />
small anchor and a peece of an old Junck, which as they [?XXXXXXed]<br />
by the rottenesse and stinking of the Junck had laine there in the<br />
water seaven yeares, and saith the same was carried to<br />
Greenland in the ''Martha'', where a hull man having neede of an<br />
anchor, the said Pibus lent him that, and the said hull man as hee<br />
hath heard was cast away afterwards and the said anchor lost, and<br />
hee verily beleeveth the said Mr Pibus did not make any proffit<br />
or benefit of the said anchor or Junck. And otherwise hee cannot<br />
Toherwise hee cannot<br />
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