proceede if it were possible on her voyage … proceede if it were possible on her voyage, and found that her keele was<br />
splitt, and shee soe maimed and dashed that with all they could doe<br />
they could hardly repaire her soe as to bringe her for London; but<br />
having donne their best in her repaire, they adventured to bringe her<br />
for London and arived there with her and her lading on or about the<br />
sixth of September last old stile, and after such her arivall shee dischardged<br />
all her said goods saving the brimstone, which was in her for ballast;<br />
And having dischardged trhe said goods her said companie carried her to<br />
Saint Catherins staires, there to lay her ashore to have her viewed and<br />
[?course] taken for her calking and repairing, but saith that upon the<br />
ebb of the same tide that brought her to the said staires, shee fell<br />
upon one side, and soe splitt, that the next tide shee<br />
was fulll of water, and soe shee still continewes, All which hee<br />
knoweth being Carpenter of her and present and and seeing<br />
all the premisses soe done. And saith that severall shipwrights<br />
have bin brought to view her and consider if shee were<br />
recoverable and could be made serviceable, but they all agree that<br />
shee would cost twice more to raise and recover her for any<br />
service than shee is worth, and saith that such of her tackle and<br />
rigging as could be preserved, are saved and laid up in a warehouse.<br />
And further that tenn of her company seeing her in such perill in the<br />
downes, and despairing of their owne safetie if they staid any longer<br />
in her, there deserted her, and got ashore, by which means the<br />
rest (whereof this deponent was one) were much distressed, and thereby<br />
and by the said storme put into extreme danger of being<br />
cast away.
Is[?aac] H[?erculus] [LH SIGNATURE]
'''+''' [MARKE] The marke of Oliva de<br />
Michels. [MARKE, RH SIDE]
The 8th of November 1654.
Against the Gilded Angell aforesaid.
'''[?vida] 1us in B.1.'''
'''Thomas Prettiman''' Pilot of the said shipp the<br />
''Gilded'' or ''Golden Angell'' aged 33 yeares or<br />
thereabouts sworne and examined as aforesaid.
To the first and second Interrogatories hee deposeth that<br />
hee hath knowne the said shipp the ''Gilded'' or ''Golden Angell''<br />
only this voyage, wherein shee came from Amsterdam to which port<br />
shee belongeth, and saith that about three weekes since shee came<br />
thence laden with traine oile and whalebone bound for Callice in<br />
the dominion of the ffrench kinge and was to deliver her<br />
said lading to Callice to a ffrenchmman and there the master was to recave his freight<br />
and there the voyage was to end and accordingly this deponent was<br />
hired to goe Pilot of her by the master Peter [XXXXXson], and this<br />
deponent understood both by the said master and by the merchant that laded the said goods<br />
that the same were for the accompt of a ffrenchman of Callice a subiect<br />
of the ffrench king.
thomas [?pretiman] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE].
thomas [?pretiman] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +