First transcribed
14 November 2016 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
600 +
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HCA 13/68 +
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 14/11/2016 +
The seventh day of ffebruary <u>1653 … The seventh day of ffebruary <u>1653.</u> [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of John dela Valette}<br />
and others of Flanders for the shipp}<br />
the ''Great Port'' of Dunkerke}<br />
and the wynes and other goods}<br />
in the same lately seized by}<br />
the ''Hector'' and brought to}<br />
Dartmouth. Suckley Budd}
Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe<br />
of the sayd Claymers.
'''Matthias Mathewson''' of Dunkirke<br />
in fflanders master of the sayd shipp the<br />
''Great Port'' aged 44 yeares or thereabouts<br />
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth<br />
and saith as followeth. videlicet.
To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that all and<br />
singular the merchants goods now seized in the sayd shipp being<br />
wines were laden aboard the sayd vessell the ''Great Port'' by<br />
Peter Bosserode in the name of himself and Peter Coppens arlate<br />
and by Govert Lammers, and by George Rozee arlate that is to say <br />
the sayd Peter Bosserode did<br />
lade all the sayd wines and goods two parcells onely excepted; and<br />
the sayd Lammers did lade on of the sayd two parcells and the<br />
sayd Rozee the other which hee knoweth for that being master<br />
of the sayd shipp he receyved the sayd wines and goods aboard his<br />
sayd shipp neere Pombeuf in the river of Nantes of and from<br />
the sayd persons respectively and their Barkeers by them imployed<br />
respectively. And saith that the foresayd persons Peter Bosserode<br />
Peter Coppens, Govert Lammers, and George Rozee were and are<br />
all of them fflandrians and subiects of the King of Spaine<br />
and for and as such commonly accounted, and that they the sayd Bosserode Lammers and Rozee doe reside<br />
att Nantes in the quality of ffactors and merchant strangers and<br />
for and as such are there esteemed and reputed. And saith that<br />
that the sayd Coppens when this deponent was last<br />
att Dunkirke was then there and lodged in the howse of Mrs<br />
Coppens a widdow there, videlicet att Dunkirke where this<br />
deponent saw him in October last 1653 and beleiveth he is<br />
still there, howbeit he saith that that<br />
such parcells of wines as the sayd<br />
Bosserode did lade he so laded by the name of Bosserode and<br />
Coppens. and further referring himselfe to his bills<br />
of lading in the Registry of this Court he cannot depose<br />
saving that the sayd Bosserode Coppens Lammers and Rozee<br />
are att Nantes observed to be ffactors of and for merchants<br />
of fflanders, and so accounted.
To the second article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith the foresayd<br />
shipp the ''Great Port'' was bound to Dunkerke onely and noe<br />
other Port, and this deponent did receyve the sayd wines aboard to<br />
be carryed thither and to noe other Port and accordingly signed<br />
bills of lading for the same before hee came away from Nantes<br />
in the howses of the respective Laders, and saith that all<br />
the bills of lading found in the sayd shipp att the tyme of seizure<br />
werep att the tyme of seizure<br />
were +
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10 January 2018 15:33:32 +