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HCA 13/67 f.263v Silver IMG 117 07 1901 Annotate
First transcribed 11 September 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 263  +
Parent volume HCA 13/67  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 11/09/2015  +
Transcription And the arlate Don Joseph and ffrancis PerAnd the arlate Don Joseph and ffrancis Peralti for the like tyme were<br /> amd are Joynt owners of one other eighth part. And the arlate Cornelius<br /> Le[?ymann] for about a yeare and upwards hath bene and is owner of<br /> one other eighth part of the sayd shipp her tackle and furniture. the<br /> reasons of this deponents knowledge are for that he this deponent<br /> hath from tyme to tyme knowne the sayd Otto George Master of her<br /> in the name of the sayd Vincent Van Campen, and Owners, and being<br /> knowne unto all the sayd Owners, and having speciall correspondencey<br /> with some of themm, hath understood somuch from them, and hath sometymes<br /> upon their Order and on their behalfe taken an Accompt touching the<br /> sayd shipp of and from Otto George who hath come to accompt with this<br /> deponent on their behalfes accordingly.<br /> And as and for lawfull Owners<br /> and Proprietors of the sayd shipp her tackle and furniture the sayd<br /> persons above mentioned are commonly accounted reputed and taken<br /> And otherwise he cannot depose [ADD DATA] ...for that he this deponent<br /> hath from tyme to tyme knowne the sayd Otto George Master of her<br /> in the name of the sayd Vincent Van Campen, and Owners, and being<br /> knowne ubto all the sayd Owners, and having speciall correspondency<br /> with some of them, hath understood so much from them, and hath sometimes<br /> upon their Order and on their behalfe taken an Accompt touching the<br /> sayd ship of and from Otto George who hath come to accompt with this<br /> deponent on their behalfe accordingly.<br /> And as and for lawfull Owners<br /> and Proprietors of the sayd shipp her tackle and furniture the sayd<br /> persons above mentioned are commonly accounted reputed and taken<br /> And otherwise he cannot depose. [ADD DATA]nd otherwise he cannot depose. [ADD DATA]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_117_07_1901.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_117_07_1901.jpg|[[:HCA 13/67|HCA 13/67]] f.263v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 6 October 2015 16:27:03  +
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