21th of August 1651.
On the behalfe of John Wright}<br />
touching the shipp the ''Peter''}<br />
of Amsterdam}
'''Barthol Christoferson''' of Tonsborowe in Norway<br />
Shipwright aged 27 yeares or thereabouts sworne<br />
before the right Worshipfull William Clarke doctor of<br />
Lawes, one of the Judges of the high Court of<br />
the Admiraltia and examined upon certaine Interrogatories<br />
ministred on the behalfe of the said John Wright<br />
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee well knew<br />
the shipp the ''Peter'' Interrogated at the time of her last being in<br />
Norway in the parts beyond the seas, and saith shee was last at<br />
Longsound in Norway and came thence about five weekes since, which<br />
hee knoweth being Carpenter of her and comming thence in her.
To the second Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp<br />
was bound from Longsound for London, and comming from Longsound<br />
prosecuted her direct course for London whither shee intended to come,<br />
her lading being consigned for this port, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the third hee deposeth that the said shipp in her course of proceeding<br />
for this port of London, was met, fought with, surprized and taken by a man of warr<br />
pretending to have a Commissiomn from the kinge of Scotts, together<br />
with her whole lading and by him carried into Gravala[?igne], where her<br />
company were dispossessed of her and turned ashore, and her lading taken<br />
out and landed by the said man of warrs company, and by them disposed<br />
of, soe that the same was and is utterly lost to the said John Wright<br />
all which hee knoweth to be true because hee was on board the said shipp<br />
the ''Peter'' when shee was soe seized, (which was about a moneth since,<br />
off Alfernesse on the coast of England) and was carried to Graveling<br />
in her, where hee sawe the said goods and lading taken out as aforesaid,<br />
saving a quantitie of deales and masts that were lost and cast away with<br />
her, the said shipp comming there aground and being by that meanes splitt<br />
in peaces, that shee perished of his sight and knowledge.
To the last hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid.
Repeated before doctor Clarke.
21th of August 1651.
The keepers of the Liberties of England by}<br />
authoritie of Parliament against the shipp}<br />
the ''John'' of hamborowe}
'''Hance Sweyer''' of hamborough Mariner<br />
master of the said shipp the ''Saint John'' aged<br />
65 yeares or thereabouts sworne and<br />
examined upon Interrogatories ministred on<br />
behalfe of the state saith as followeth<br />
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the said vessell the<br />
''John'' was taken and rescued by Captaine Cl[?arke] on the seaventh of this instant<br />
moneth neare haver de Grace, at which time shee was laden with Sea cole<br />
and had noe other merchandize aboard her, which sea coles were laden aboard<br />
her at Newcastle to be thence transported for Roane for accompt and proffit<br />
of her owners, all hamburgers and there resident, and at Roane to be<br />
by this deponent sold and disposed of for their best advantage, and saith that<br />
the said shipp belongeth to the port of hamborowe and was built at Embden<br />
and that L[?owas da Boyes]. hance hoppe, Martin [?Beverburgh] and hee this<br />
deponent are the sole owners of the said shipp and lading, in which hee this<br />
deponent, master of the said shipp hath an eighth part. And lastly saith<br />
thatth part. And lastly saith<br />
that +