'''Georgius Goret''' parochia beata Maria … '''Georgius Goret''' parochia beata Maria ad Montem cite London<br />
Salter, aetatis 28 annorum aut eo circiter testis productus<br />
et juratus.
the oranges brought home in her would<br />
have yeelded and might in London and places adijacent have bin sold for<br />
30 ''s'' per thousand at the least and the lemmons brought home in her for 50 ''s'' per<br />
thousand, the same being Gallicia oranges and lemmons, but<br />
for Sevile oranges hee knoweth that there was here offered to Mr Thomas<br />
Lenthall about the 14th of March last 40 ''s'' per thousand which hee refused,<br />
and sold them at a farr greater rate, and saith that at the arivall<br />
of the said shipp in this port there were a greate nnumber of the<br />
oranges and lemmons that came home in her for accompt of the<br />
producent Mr Chambers rotten, spoyled and become good for nothing;<br />
which hee knoweth because hee sawe the same and in partnershipp with<br />
others bought all such oranges and lemmons as were brought home<br />
in the said shipp and were good, and well knoweth that on or about<br />
the 13th of Aprill last the market for oranges and lemmons<br />
was much fallen and the price of them abated and growne much lower<br />
than before; which hee knoweth dealing in those commodities, Et<br />
alr nescit
George Gorret [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +