First transcribed
2 November 2016 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
436 +
Parent volume
HCA 13/76 +
Recto +
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 02/11/2016 +
'''No. 5'''
21st Juny 1666/
Richardus No … '''No. 5'''
21st Juny 1666/
Richardus Noble con navem vorat The ''Diamond''}<br />
cujus dutus Noble erat Mr ejucq apparatus et}<br />
arressues cujus Franciscus Sheldon erat in parte}<br />
propretarius et con dictu ffrancisnum Sheldo}<br />
Suckley ffrancklin}
Sup Allone ex parte dei Richardi<br />
Noble dat Examinat/
'''Thomas Robinson''' de Shadwell<br />
in parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta<br />
annos agens 37 aut inter dicit et deponit<br />
prout sequitur videlicit/
Ad primum et 2cdum alos dre Allegaconnis deponit et dicit That hee this deponent<br />
on new yeeres day last was twelve month was hired to serve and did<br />
here at the Port of London enter upon the arlate ship the ''Diamond'' which ship hee had for some time<br />
before knowne, and as hee was credibly informed shee was formerly<br />
called the ''Flax pale'', and saith that hee was soe hired to serve in her by the<br />
producent Richard Noble her then master, who was (as wass commonly reported) made master of her sometime<br />
before by the arlate Mr ffrancis Sheldon English merchant then residing<br />
at Gottenborow and now at Stockholme in Sweden and saith that shortly after<br />
the time that this deponent was soe as aforesaid hired, the said Richard Noble<br />
this deponent and company set saile hence with the said ship to Saint Toovys in<br />
Portugall neer Lisbone and there tooke in a Lading of salt, and went throw<br />
to Stockholme, and there delivered the same to the factors or agents of the<br />
foresaid Mr ffrancis Sheldon and his Partner and then tooke in part of a<br />
Lading of DEales at Stockholme and carryed the same to Barsound in<br />
Sweden, and there delivered part of them to one Mr Alexander Stratten<br />
the said Mr Sheldons gactor or sevant there and then tooke in Timber<br />
oaing stones and Tarr and after having [?XXX] at Calmer in Sweden brought the same to this Port of London<br />
where shee arrived thereby on or about May last, And saith that the said voyage<br />
were soe made by order of the said Mr Sheldon
this deponent (who was his gunner) and to the rest of the said shipp
[ADD DATA] to the rest of the said shipp
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2 November 2016 08:47:18 +