Dmus nr Rex con Navem the ''Saint Peter''} … Dmus nr Rex con Navem the ''Saint Peter''}<br />
cujus Sven Rasmas est magister}
Super Interrys in praepario Examinatus
'''Sven Rasmusond''' MasterLand in Suecia Navarchus dicte<br />
navis annos agens 50:to aut circiter testis productus et Juratus<br />
dicit et deponit prout sequitur.
Ad j:um 2 et reliqua Interria deponit that hee will knoweth the<br />
Interrate shipp ''Saint Peter'',and hath sailed in and bin Master of her for<br />
one yeere last past, during all which time she hath<br />
belonged to Masterland in Sweden, and to subjects of the said King,<br />
And saith his owners and their parts are as followeth videlicet. Hance<br />
Croosen of Masterland owner of one eigth part. Hance Martinson of<br />
Stockholme of an Eighth part, Olock Tromon of Stockholme of an Eighth<br />
part John ffrick of Stockholme also of an Eighth part, and this deponent<br />
of the other halfe part of the said shipp, all subjects and natives<br />
of his Majesty of Sweden, and Eminent Burgers of the Cities of<br />
Masterland and Stockholme And saith that the foresaid Crooson is<br />
a native and an Alderman of the City of Masterland aforesaid, and the<br />
other three are Burgers natives and Inhabitants of the City of<br />
Stockholme and for and as such commonly accounted. And<br />
saith the said shipp was about a yeare since built at<br />
Masterland, by order of this deponent on behalfe of himselfe and the<br />
rest of the foresaid owners. And saith that the said ship hath made<br />
three voyages since her building. The ffirst was from ottenborow<br />
in Sweden to Hamborow with Iron, Pitch, and deales, and from thence to Masterland<br />
with salt. The second was from Masterland with Herrings to<br />
Stockholme, and there this deponent tooke in a lading of Pitch, tarr,<br />
Iron and some Dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this<br />
city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here, And saith the<br />
same were laded at Stockholme by Jacob Mumma, Abraham<br />
Mumms, Abraham Verusen all Inhabitants in and Burgers<br />
of Stockholme, for their owne account consigned to and to bee delivered the foresaid<br />
Charles Marisco, and the quantities and qualities were as followeth twenty thhree<br />
lasts of tarr, twenty lasts of pitch, ffive hundred shipp pounds<br />
of Iron. Every shipp pound conteining three hundred weight of Iron<br />
and ffive hundred Deales being his whole shipps lading. And<br />
saith noe part of his lading belongeth to any of the subjects of<br />
the ffrench King or King of Denmark or any in Enmity with this<br />
Crowne. And saith that there was noe ffrench Dutch or Danish<br />
ffactor or supra Cargo aboard his said ship the foresaid voyages<br />
or the voyage in question where in hee was seized. And at seizure<br />
of the said shipp he saith hee had with himselfe and his Company<br />
consisted of Eight mariners all natives of and hired by this deponent<br />
at Masterland in Sweden aforesd, and subjects of the said King. Nor did [?any] ever<br />
live in any of the Dominions or territoryes of the ffrench King Dane or<br />
States of the United Provinces. And saith that the papers and writings at<br />
the said shipp were delivered to the Captaine of the ''ffanfan'' who [?seized ?him ?XXXX ?leagues]<br />
off of Yarmouth as he was comming with his said ship and lading to<br />
London, and afterwards the said shipp was sent up into the river of Thames<br />
and is there now remaining. And saith there was noe papers or<br />
writings burnt, torne, concealed or any wayes made away. And saithoncealed or any wayes made away. And saith +