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HCA 13/73 f.733v Annotate
First transcribed 3 June 2015  +
First transcriber Rachel Carter  +
Folio 733  +
Materials Wax  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
People Edward White<br /> John Sandall <br /> Robert Ellis<br /> Thomas Warren<br /> Thomas Baleffartor<br /> Michael de Braisa  +
Places Santa Cruze, Barbary Coast<br /> Plymouth<br /> Saphia<br /> St Sebastans  +
Ships Alice and Mary <br /> Judah<br /> St Thomas  +
Side Verso  +
Status First cut transcription  +
Transcription The 16th of August 1659 On behalfe of mX The 16th of August 1659 On behalfe of mX the warren touching? (LH SIDE)<br /> the Alice and Mary (LH SIDE) Edward White of Tower hill London merchant<br /> aged 19 yeares or thereabouts sworne before<br /> the said Judge and Examined as aforesaid To the first he saith that hee this Deponent well knewe the<br /> Interrate ship the Alice and Mary (whereof John Sandall<br /> was master at the time Interrate. And saith that in or about<br /> the latter end of January 165X the said ship was at plymouth<br /> where this Deponent then sawe her, And saith shee was<br /> bound from thence to Saphia upon the Coast of South<br /> Barbary, And saith hee this Deponent was then one of the<br /> Supra? cargoe of the ship Judah Robert Ellis master when?<br /> went from plymouth about the same time the said ship<br /> Alice and Mary went thence, and arrived at Saphia<br /> the same day the Alice and Mary arrived there, And<br /> further cannot depose. To the second and 3rd hee saith that the said ship the Alice and Mary<br /> arrived at the Saphia the said voyage, on the Eighth of march<br /> last, and saith that During such time as shee lay there<br /> this Deponent sawe, a Considerable Quantity of wax laden<br /> on board, such was so laden upon and for the ropper accompte<br /> of master? Thomas warren of London merchant as this Deponent<br /> verily beleeveth. And saith that one Thomas Baleffartor<br /> of the said warren laded the same on board the said<br /> ship, And saith that on or about the 24th of march<br /> last the said Alice and Mary set saile from Saphia<br /> with the said wax on board her, for Santa Cruze, in Barbary<br /> where shee arrived (as this Deponent beleeveth) on the 26th<br /> of march aforesaid, And saith the said ship the Judah departed<br /> from Saphia on the 25th march aforesaid in the Evening<br /> and on the next morning was XXXXh and seized by a<br /> St Sebastians man of warr called the St Thomas commanded<br /> By one Captain Michael de Braisa, which said man of warr<br /> carried the Judah and this Deponent and all the rest of her Company?<br /> within three leagues off Santa Cruze in Barbary and then the<br /> said man of warr went into the Xoeds of Santa Cruze<br /> and seized the said ship the Alice and Mary, and the said<br /> wax and other things that she had in her, and this Deponent<br /> was then in the said man of warr and sawe the said ship<br /> soe made, And saith the said Man of warr carried (GUTTER)<br /> the said prizes and ladings to Santa Cruze in the<br /> Canarys, and there tooke out the Alice and Maryes lading<br /> And put most of it on board the Judah and the rest on board the man of warr and carried<br /> the same to St Sebastans where it was made prize, but<br /> the ship Alice and Mary was Condemned? and sold at Santa<br /> Cruze in the Canarys, And by means of the said seizure the<br /> said master warren is Deprived of his said goods. And saith…(GUTTER)<br /> Deponent was Carried in the man of warr and Judah from…(GUTTER)<br /> …And further cannot depose, saving the…(GUTTER)<br /> was seized on or about the 25th of march aforesayded on or about the 25th of march aforesayd  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0686_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0686_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.733v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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