The 22th of Aprill 1659. [CENTRE HEADING]
The ''Abigall and Susan''}<br />
Charls Howard master}
'''William Lingham''' of London Merchant and '''William'''<br />
'''Reade''' of the same citie Merchant sworne before the right<br />
worshipfull Charles George Cocke Esquire one of the Judges of the<br />
high Court of the Admiraltie of England say and depose by<br />
vertue of their oaths, that the shipp or frigot now called the<br />
''Abigall and Susan'' of London of the burthen of sixtie tonnes<br />
or thereabouts whereof Charles Howard of Redriff is master<br />
(formerly being a dutch pinck and called the ''Sara''), foth in<br />
proprietie belong to them theise deponents Charles<br />
Raworth of London merchant, and the said Charles Howard<br />
the said master, and that they four are the true and<br />
sole owners of her, and bought her aout a moneth since<br />
in her said consition of a pinck of one William Greneway<br />
of London mariner, for the summe of one hundred eightie five<br />
pounds and tenn shillings sterling, which this deponent William<br />
Lingham in behalfe if himselfe and his said fellow owners<br />
really paid unto him, and there upon had a bill of sale thereof<br />
made; And since they have caused her to be new built into<br />
frigot fashion in this River where shee now lies, and therein<br />
laid out and expended about two hundred pounds sterling more.
Will Lingham [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]<br />
William Reade [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 27th of Aprill 1659. [CENTRE HEADING]
'''dt Smith'''
'''Thomas Browne''' Deputy Marshall of<br />
the High Court of the Admiralty of England aged<br />
40 ueeres or thereabouts sworne before<br />
both the Judges of the said Court saith and<br />
deposeth by Vertue of his Oath.
deposeth by Vertue of his Oath.
That +