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HCA 13/73 f.690r Annotate
First transcribed 1 March 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 690  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 01/03/2015  +
Transcription deliver the bills of sale dated the said fdeliver the bills of sale dated the said foure and twentieth day of this instant<br /> ffebruaru, by the [?one] whereof hee sold and transported one moitie or<br /> halfe part of the good shipp or vessell called the ''Barker'' whereof [?XXXX]<br /> Barker is master of the burthen of two hundred and sixtie tonnes or thereabouts<br /> unto Peter delislagher of London Marchant for the summe of two hundred<br /> twenty seaven pounds and tenn shillings lawfull English money, and<br /> by the other hee the said Shipton sold and transported the other halfe part<br /> or moitie of the said shipp to John Bra[?nyninck] of London Merchant<br /> for the like summe, and the said sealing and deliverey being soe donne<br /> this deponent together with henry Lobery and James henkes as witnesses set their names<br /> on the back of each of the said bills as now appeareth. And saith hee<br /> saw moneys told and paid by the said delislagher and the sauid [?Bruyninck]<br /> then and there respectively oi the said Shipton, being as hee beleeveth<br /> the summes predeposed. Fred: Ixem [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] ********************** The first of March 1658. [CENTRE HEADING] '''Henry Lowder''' of horsey downe Sailer, aged twenty one yeeres or<br /> thereabouts sworne before the right Worshippfull John Godolphin doctor of Lawes<br /> one of the Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie saith and deposeth by<br /> vertue of his oath That hee was one of the Company of the shipp the<br /> ''diligence'' of London (henry Wasey Commannder) in this her last voyage to and<br /> from the Canaries, and present at and seeing the lading of her cargo of<br /> wines (now brought home) at Oratavo, and saith that in such lading there<br /> was one pipe of Canarie Wines, which being in the shipps tackle and<br /> was hoysted aboard to be laded, jolted or hit (in such hoysting) against the<br /> said shipps side, by meanes whereof the head gave way, and the wine<br /> ran out abundantly, and being thereupon taken and set up and long in<br /> hold, and the said head taken out, this deponent saw that the said pipe was<br /> halfe run out and lost by the said jolt or fault in lading. And saith the said<br /> master taking notice thereof, asked his mate (James dickson) if hee knew<br /> how to whip the devill (meaning as this deponent understood, if he knew<br /> how to fill up the said pipe with water) to which the said mate answered and<br /> said; yes, aswell as you know how to whip your boy, and afterwards<br /> the said mate filled up the said pipe with salt water, this deponent seeing<br /> the water handed downe to that end. And being soe filled up, it was<br /> stowed against the maine mast on the starboard side of the said shipp. The marke of '''fm''' henry<br /> [?Lo?Xder]. [MARKE, RH SIDE]y<br /> [?Lo?Xder]. [MARKE, RH SIDE]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0599_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0599_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.690r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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