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HCA 13/73 f.640r Annotate
First transcribed 22 February 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 640  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 22/02/2015  +
Transcription Ad 9um dicit that all the Ammunition then Ad 9um dicit that all the Ammunition then onboard the said ship (saving<br /> what belonged unto her was at the time of the lading thereof<br /> intended to be delivered at Surrat, and in the bills of Lading<br /> signed for the same it was mentioned to be delivered there<br /> and the same should have bin landed there, but that<br /> at the time of the said ships comming neere Surat the weather<br /> was somewhat foule and expected at that season of the yeere (as ususally) to be very Tempestious, soe that they did not benture to goeinto Swally hole, And saith if the said Ammunition had<br /> bin there delivered at that time it would have taken up a<br /> greate deale of time, to unlade the same, and send the same<br /> from the said ship to Surrat, and to bring ballast from thence<br /> to the said ship, And soe much was sincerely told to the sdaid<br /> Peter De Bitter the Vice Admirallm by him this Deponent et alr nescit. Ad 10um 11. et 12um dicit that the said Peter De Bitter did jeepe the said<br /> ship ''Constantinople Merchant'' untill the 22th day of the<br /> said month of September 1659. on which day the said De Butter<br /> declared that hee would take out the foresaid Ammunition<br /> out of the said ship, and told this deponent that hee had<br /> Commission from the [?XXXX] John Maetsucher Generall of Battavia<br /> to take out of any ship that hee met at sea all the Ammunition<br /> hee found in them more then necessary for the said ships owne<br /> use, saying that although the ''Constantinople Merchant'' were<br /> bound to Surratt that hee could not answer the letting of her hoe<br /> without first taking out the said Ammunition or to that<br /> effext, and this deponent then saying to him, that if hee tooke<br /> out the Ammunition hee supposed hee would lett them<br /> goe into Goa, for that they Pretended they hindered them<br /> because of their having Ammunition onboard or to that effect<br /> the said Vice Admirall made answer and said, Noe<br /> that hee could not doe, or to that purpose, And saith that<br /> upon such the said De Bitters declaration, the Captaine of<br /> the ''Constantinople Merchant'', and the said Governour and<br /> Companyes ffactors onboard her, caused her hatches to be locked<br /> and made fast, And the foresaid Mr Carey told this deponent<br /> that hee acquainted the said said De Bitter that the Dutch were<br /> to make satisffaction for Injuryes and wrongs Done to the<br /> English before, and that they must expect to make satisfaction<br /> for what they then did, or to that effect, and alsoe said that<br /> the said De Bitter replied that the English and Dutch Company<br /> might agree about it and said that hee must followe<br /> his [?Commission] and on that day sent Captaines of the said<br /> Dutch ships and severall of their Officers and Company onboard<br /> the ''Constantinople Merchant'' who did in this deponents sight<br /> break open the said ships hathces, and tooke and<br /> carryed out of her on board their ships<br /> ffifty nine Iron Gunns, three brasse Morter peeces with Carriagges<br /> and 1973eeces with Carriagges<br /> and 1973  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0496_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0496_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.640r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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