For their once proper uses and accounts< … For their once proper uses and accounts<br />
goods and merchandises, to the value of ten thousand<br />
pounds sterling and upwards, to be in the said ship sailing<br />
for Lisbone, and thence for Brazille, and so backe to Lisbone<br />
and from thence to returne toLondon, and after such<br />
lading put on board the said ship, he sayeth the producents<br />
constituted and made one John Kingsman. Captaine of<br />
his and one William Croxon supra cargoe of her for the<br />
said voyage, and then set her out to sea with her [?foresayd]<br />
lading on board her, wherewith he sayth she shortly<br />
after such her departure from this port arrivd in safety at<br />
Lisbone. The premisses he deposeth being the [?XXX]<br />
of her the vvoyage in question, and seeing some of the producents at<br />
times on board her before her departure giving orders to her Captaine and<br />
Supra Cargoe concerning the management of the said voyage<br />
for that he was shipped by the aforesaid Captain Kingsman in<br />
the quality aforesaid and arrived in the said ship at Lisbone<br />
ulterius ad hos Arlos non deponit.
Ad 4um deponit et dicit that after the arrivall of the ''Experience''<br />
at Lisbone, the forsaid William Croxon did there unlade<br />
severall of the merchandizes carried in her from thence<br />
and disposed of them, and tooke in in lieu carried thereof severall<br />
other goods as Poore John, fflower, oyle and other merch<br />
andizes for the use and account of the producents Bretton,<br />
Delboe, Middleton and Company which said goods were to be traded<br />
in the said ship thence to Brazille and these to be batrered<br />
away for sugars, hides, tobacoe and Brazille woods<br />
for the account aforesayd. The premisies he deposeth for<br />
the reasons aforesayd.
Ad 5um et 6um arlos dicit that no English or other ships are<br />
permitted to trade at Brazille, unlesse they have a<br />
licence therefore from the King of Protugall, which licence<br />
cannot be purchased unless the procurers of them do first put<br />
in security to returne with their ships from Brazille to<br />
Lisbone and there unlade them, that so the King of Portugall<br />
may receive the Customes which are due to him<br />
of such goods bought thence. And further that the said<br />
William Croxon did (during his stay with the ''Experience''<br />
at Lisbone as aforesaid) procure such a licence to trade with<br />
his said ship there, and also gave in such security to returne<br />
with her to Lisbone to the end aforsayd And sayeth that<br />
after such licence procured and security given in, the sayd<br />
William Croxon departed with the sayd ship fully laden for [?XXXXXXXXXXXXX]<br />
Brazeele, where she arrived in safety in or about [?January]<br />
last, this deponent arriving there in her<br />
in the quality aforesaid And further cannot to these Articles [?depose] [#]
[#] saving he sayeth the<br />
sayd Cargoe of goods<br />
at their departure<br />
from Lisbone was<br />
worth the summe<br />
of seaven or eight<br />
thousand pounds<br />
sterling <br />
Ambrose Gooding [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]
Ad 7n dicit that the producents Bretton, Delboe, Middleton and<br />
company (for whose acount he sayeth all the goods and merchandises<br />
soe carried from Lisbone to Brazille were) are all English<br />
men and subjects of the king of England, and so generally reputed and taken
'''vide A8'''generally reputed and taken
'''vide A8''' +