and that comming to the streights mouth sh … and that comming to the streights mouth shee was met with by a [?XXXX]<br />
shipp of warr called the ''Santa Maria'', Harreman Andreis or Andreison<br />
commander and other shipps in her company on the fifteeth of<br />
May last and set upon by them and with her lading of goods, cotton<br />
yarne silke and other merchandizes seized and carried away wherenby<br />
her freighters namely John Gregory John [?Baum] and John Allen English<br />
men merchants and subiects of the kingdome of England have lost to<br />
the valew of five and twenty thousand pounds sterling in the estimate<br />
of this deponent and as the same lading was and is commonly esteemed<br />
to be worth.
5th Octobris 1660./
'''Johannes Avery''' parochia Sancta Maria Magdalene<br />
in Comitati Surria nauta nnos agens 45. aut<br />
eo circiter iuratus et examinatus super Interrogatoria<br />
ministratis ex parte [?XXX] [?XXXX] [?XXX] pred dicit et deponit put sequitur videlicet./
Ad 1um Interrogatoria dicit That he very well knew the Interrate ship<br />
the ''ffreetrade'', whereof the Interrate Simon fflew was Master<br />
and whereof this Deponent was Masters chiefe Mate at such time as<br />
she was surprized and taken as hereafter is declared; and<br />
sayth the said ship had on board her the said time five hundred<br />
bags of galls and two bales of silkes which hee saith were laden and put onboard<br />
her at Scanderoone for the account of the Interrate John<br />
Gregory, John Bence and John Allen all English men and Merchants<br />
of London, to whom (as he sayth) the same did belong and were consigned<br />
and were to have been delivered. And further doth not answer<br />
saving what followeth, and saving that the sayd ship had on board<br />
her severall other goods and merchandizes, the quantities or<br />
qualities or markes thereof, this deponent cannot now particularize,<br />
but knoweth they were all to have been delivered here in<br />
London to English merchants and upon their account./
Ad 2um repomdet et dicit That all the foresayd bags of Galls<br />
were marked with this marke '''O-B''' and numbred from NO. 1 to<br />
No. 500. and that the two bales of silkes were numbred No. 5 and<br />
No. 6. And moreover that in the sayd ships passage from Scanderoone<br />
to London she was met with neare the streights mouth by a<br />
certain Dutch built ship called the ''Saint Mary'' of Amsterdam<br />
(whereof one Laurence Andreas was Captaine or Commander) which had<br />
the Dutch Colours up when the ''ffree trade'' first met her.
[INSERT DATA]free trade'' first met her.