First transcribed
13 June 2014 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
547 +
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HCA 13/73 +
Verso +
Uploaded image; transcribed on 13/06/2014 +
The of July 1660/: [CENTRE HEADIMG]
… The of July 1660/: [CENTRE HEADIMG]
Examined upon the said Articles./:
'''William Lovett''' of Wapping mariner<br />
late a midshipman of the ''Fairefax<br />
frigot'' aged 28 yeeres or thereabouts<br />
Sworne and Examined
To the first of the said Articles. hee saith and deposeth<br />
that for and during all the yeere 1658. there was warr<br />
and hostility at sea used and Practized betweene the [?English GUTTER]<br />
amd the subjects of the King of Spaine and this hee<br />
saith is Publique and notorious and well knowne to the<br />
arlate William Winter/.
To the second and 3d hee saith that during all the yeere 1658.<br />
and before and since the arlate Captaine John<br />
Stoakes was by the then authority of England Comander<br />
of tenne ships or ffrigotts in the Mediterranian Sea<br />
one of which was called the ''Fairfax ffrigot'', And<br />
the said Captaine Stoakes. had power to keepe<br />
the said ships or ffrigots together or separate them<br />
as hee should thinke fitt, And saith that Captaine<br />
Thomas Whetston was the Comander of the said<br />
''Fairfax ffrigot'', and alsoe foure other of the said<br />
Ten ffrigotts. were by Admirall Stoakes alsoe committed<br />
to the care and charge of the said Whetston, and<br />
for some Part of the said yeere 1658. the said<br />
William Winter did exercise the Office and<br />
Place of Lieutenant onboard the said ''ffairfax ffrigot''<br />
And soe much hee saith is well knowne to the said<br />
Winter; The Premisses this Deponent knoweth for that<br />
hee was a midhsip man of the said ''ffairfefax ffrigott''<br />
from September 1657 or thereabouts till about [?March GUTTER]<br />
last, And further deposeth not.
To the hee referreth himselfe to the Lawes of<br />
Princes and Nations./:
To the hee saith hee never sawe the Instructions or<br />
letters arlate/.
To the hee referreth himselfe to the Laws andthe<br />
Instructions arlate ./.
To the and hee Deposeth not./:
To the Nineth hee Referreth himselfe to the [?Lawe GUTTER]
To the and twelweth hee saith that, in or about the<br />
month of July or August 1658: two of the foresaid [XXXX XXXXXX GUTTER]<br />
Transcription image
[[File:IMG_0310_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0310_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.547v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window +
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HCA 13/73 f.547v Annotate +
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29 May 2015 10:07:12 +