from thence that, yeere for England, and t … from thence that, yeere for England, and there to be [XXX]<br />
and come from thence on or before the end of [?JXXX ?And]<br />
otherwise they cannot in probability come from [?thence]<br />
for England that yeere, by reason of the Monsoon[?s]<br />
which are Constant winds, which after January, blowe [?against]<br />
Coming from the East Indies, about the Cape Bone [?Esperance]<br />
But notwithstanding hee saith the said Carter who [XXX]<br />
onboard the said Ship, and was one of her ffreighters<br />
aforesaid, did not give order, nor Come from the [XXX]<br />
of Swalle untill the sixteenth of ffebruary 1658. And<br />
by that meanes the said ship was Exposed to a greate<br />
deale of danger and hazard. and very much<br />
damnified in her hull, masts sailes tackle and<br />
Rigging by the Extraordinary stormes and tempests which<br />
shee met with in her passage, And saith that hee [XX]<br />
that the said Ship, masts, Sailes Rigging, tackle, [XXX]<br />
and furniture, were Damnifyed in the summe of [XXX]<br />
Sterling or thereabouts more then they would have bin [?if]<br />
the said Ship come from the East Indias at the [XXX]<br />
time, And further cannot depose./:
To the hee saith that the said Ship, safely arrived<br />
in the river of Thames the said voyage. and was<br />
here discharged, and delivered up to the said [XXX]<br />
King and Company owners thereof: on or about the<br />
last of October. 1659: and not before, soe that the said<br />
ship was and remained in the service of the said<br />
ffreighters from the fifteenth of ffebruary 1656, and<br />
untill the last of October 1659. or thereabouts. And further<br />
doth not depose./
Upon the rest not Examined by Direction of Mr [XXX]
Repeated before the two<br />
Judges in Court./
The fourth of Aprill 1660. [CENTRE HEADING]
Terrel against a lighter whereof}<br />
John Westcombe was Master against}<br />
doctor Stedd and Edwin Steed.}<br />
Examined on an allegation given in on the<br />
behalfe of the said Terrall.
'''Phillip Widdoson''' of the parish of Saint Olaves in Southwarke<br />
yeoman aged 37 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee<br />
well knoweth the lighter arlate whereof John Westcombe was master<br />
and alsoe knoweth the arlate doctor william Steed and his sonne Edwin<br />
which doctor and his sonne were the time arlate and are [?XXX] sonne were the time arlate and are [?XXX] +