Swift John Parker and other their Company … Swift John Parker and other their Company all Englishmen and subiects of<br />
this Commonwealth of England were in the moneths and tyme arlate in the<br />
yeare 1658 untill the tyme of her seizure which was in or about the moneth<br />
of November 1658, were commonly reputed lawfull Owners and Proprietors<br />
of the sayd shipp Lady ffrigott and her tackle & furniture And further hee<br />
cannot depose./
To the 2 and 3 articles hee saith that hee goeing Quarter Master the voyage in question knoweth that<br />
the Lady ffrigott was lett to freight in the moneths and tyme arlate to certayne<br />
English Merchants of the Maria (OR, Morea) Company tradeing for Turkey to goe from<br />
London to Polerao and other places beyond Seas and lade Currans and other goods<br />
for their Account and bring them for London and theire deliver them to them or their<br />
Agents and knoweth that the sayd Ship in order to her sayed voyage sett sayle<br />
from Gravesend in May 1658 and afterwards arrived safely at Polerao<br />
and thereand at Nathalago tooke in Currans which were laden aboard<br />
the Lady ffrigott by the Agents or ffactors of the sayd Maria Company and<br />
did account to a hundred and sixty tonnes of Currans, and also other<br />
goods and money for their Account but the quantitie hee knoweth not which<br />
Currans and other goods and money were to be transported from Polera to<br />
London for Account of the sayd Maria Company freighters of the sayd shipp and<br />
there delivered to them or their Agents for their use, but the names of the [?Maria]<br />
Company who were the sayd ffreighters hee knoweth not And farther to<br />
these arles hee cannot depose./
To the 4th 5th 6th and 7th articles hee saith that the sayd shipp the ''Lady''<br />
''ffrigott'' having taken the sayd Currans and other goods and money aboard<br />
her lay peaceably therewith at Anchor in the moneth of November<br />
1658 in the road of Petras And saith that while shee lay there<br />
there came a shipp of warr into the sayd Roade of about a hundred and<br />
fifty tonns burthen and having a white Ancient in her poope and<br />
made as if shee intended to come to an Anchor by the ''lady ffrigott''<br />
and came with her Anchor [?cockbilld] ready to dropp downe and with only her<br />
foresayle and mizzen abroad as if shee would have come only to Anchor<br />
but coming neere the ''lady ffrigott'', the Captaine and Company of the<br />
sayd shipp boarded the ''Lady ffrigott'' and in a warlike manner sett<br />
upon the Captaine and Company of her with swords gunnes pistills and<br />
other warlike Instruments and wounded the Captaine of her, and<br />
this deponent and his precontest John Gales and others of the ''Lady ffrigotts''<br />
Company to the number in all of about eight besides the Captaine, and<br />
tooke and surprized the sayd shipp the ''Lady ffrigott'' and her sayd ladeinge of<br />
Currans and other goods and money and dispoiled the Owners thereof of the<br />
same, and dispersed of it at the will and pleasure of them the sayd seizers<br />
And saith that most of the company of the shipp that made the sayd seizure<br />
were Italians saveing there were two dutch men the one the master and<br />
the other the Gunner of her, and an Irishman who were of her company and<br />
which dutch men and Irish man soake good English, and did to this deponent<br />
and other of the ''Lady ffrigott's'' Company after the seizure aforesayd<br />
confesse and declare that the name of the ssayd Shipp that made the seizure<br />
was called the ''Santa Cruse'' and her Captaines name ffrancisco<br />
Stale, and that the sayd shipp Santa Cruse did belong to Gennoa, and<br />
that most of her Company were Genoese that shee and two other shipps<br />
of warr that came from Gennoa in her Company were sett out thence<br />
by Hippollito Centaerioni a Gennose, and that the sayed Cap<br />
taine Stale not long before hee seized this ''Lady ffrigott'' and her ladeing<br />
had taken some mariners and souldiers out of the other two Gennia shipps<br />
of warr the better to enable him to seize the ''Lady ffrigitt'' And [?that]<br />
the sayd shipp the ''Santa Cruse'' was sett out from Gennoa as a man of<br />
warr against the Turks and had bin a great while abroad and could get noe<br />
prizes and had therefore taken a Spanish Commission which was to be<br />
only for a tyme, which tyme as the sayd Irishman and two dutch men [?XXX]<br />
was expired two moneths before the Santa Cruse seized the ''Lady''<br />
''ffrigott'' and her ladeing, but (as the sayed Irishman and dutchmen alsoe sayd<br />
the [?XXX]dutchmen alsoe sayd<br />
the [?XXX] +