First transcribed
19 September 2013 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
243 +
Parent volume
HCA 13/72 +
Verso +
Uploaded image; transcribed on 19/09/2013 +
manner aforesayd was the cause of the same … manner aforesayd was the cause of the same And further hee cannot<br />
To the 4th hee saith hee being boatswaine and aboard the voyage in question knoweth<br />
that the arlate Blake did make all possible speede with the sayd shipp ''Industry''<br />
in her outward voyage after hee had receaved his ladeing and the arlate Mr Page<br />
his order to depart from Gravesend, and whereas the sayd Page was to send letters<br />
to the Canaries by the sayd shipp, and had a determination to have sent the arlate<br />
Mr Pilgrim to goe over in the sayd shipp to the Canaries the sayd Blake when the<br />
sayd shipp came into the downes sent this deponents precontest Thomas Anneley who was<br />
his Mate ashoare to deale to see whether the sayd letters and the sayd Pilgrim [?were GUTTER]<br />
come according to appointment and the sayd Anneley returneing and bringing word that<br />
neither hee nor the sayd letters were come the sayd Blake not being willing to<br />
neglect his tyme and misse the oportunitie of a fayre winde hee then had departed<br />
without the sayd Pilgrim , and letters And further hee cannot depose./
To the Interrogatories repeated as aforesayd./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee cometh to be a wittnes at the request of Blake to<br />
whome hee is neither of Kindred nor allyance And saith hee was Boatswaine<br />
of the ''Industry'' the voyage in question and hath receaved all his wages withput<br />
To the 2 hee saith hee knoweth not the Interrogated Alvarado and therefore<br />
cannot answere./
To the 3 hee saith hee knoweth of noe pipe of wine staved the sayd voyage nor<br />
was any allowance demanded of him (or any other of the shipps company for<br />
any such thing that hee knoweth for hee receaved his whole wages for himselfe<br />
and also the whole wages of George Clements a Quartermaster of the<br />
sayd shipp who authorized him soe to doe And further hee cannot answere/
To the 4th hee saith hee cannot more fully answere then his foregoeing<br />
deposition having lost all his papers touching the voyage in question
To the 5th hee saith hee heard noe such order given as is<br />
Interrogated And therefore cannot answere this Interrogatorie./
To the 6th hee cannot answere knowing nothing touching<br />
the contents thereof./
Beniamin Denning [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
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HCA 13/72 f.243v Annotate +
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20 November 2015 14:51:10 +