upon her arrivall at Blackwall in the Rive … upon her arrivall at Blackwall in the River of Thames and<br />
therefore cannot further answere to this Interrogatorie./
To the last hee saith hee hath satisfied the contents thereof in his<br />
foregoeing deposition soe farr as hee can./
Repeated before doctor Godolphin/
The 5th day of August 1657.
''Joseph'' of London Vincent}<br />
Ruslet Master}
'''Rp. EX.'''
'''John Shorter''' of London Merchant aged 33 or thereabouts and '''William'''<br />
'''Warren''' alsoe of London Merchant, aged 34 yeeres<br />
or thereabouts sworne before the right worshippfull John<br />
Godolphine doctor of Lawes, one of the Judges of the High<br />
Court of the Admiralty of England, say and depose respecting<br />
by vertue of their Oathes,/.
That the shipp the ''Joseph'' of London, Vincent Ruflet Master<br />
of the burthen of about 250 Tuns was in or about ffebruary<br />
1652 bought of the Commissioners for Prize goods by him the deponent<br />
John Shorter, shee being then a Prize, and Condemned<br />
under the name of the ''Black Cock'' of Memblick, and after=<br />
=wards this deponent William Warren, bought a quarter part of her, of<br />
this deponent John Shorter, who alsoe sold a halfe part to Vincent<br />
de la barr and Thomas delavall of dover Merchants, and kept the other quarter part to himselfe, and that they<br />
theise deponents doe still hold and soe are the true and<br />
lawfull owners of the said halfe part and were and are subiects of this Comonwealth and that the said<br />
ship is still belonging to this Port of London,
John Shorter: [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 14th of August 1657.
Davies against Johnson,}<br />
Baker. Suckley.}
Exámined upon the libell.
'''Rp. 1'''
'''James Baldwin''' of the parish of Saint Buttolph<br />
Bishopsgate London Vintener, aged 56 yeeres or<br />
thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first árticle hee saith the producent Thomas Davies<br />
was the time arlate owner of the bookes arlate marked and<br />
numbredokes arlate marked and<br />
numbred +