To the fourth article hee deposeth and sai … To the fourth article hee deposeth and saith that he did not<br />
see the fower men servants arlate that were shipped<br />
aboard the said shipp by the arlate Mr Emms for the<br />
accompt of Mr Cooper arlate, but he beleiveth that there<br />
were such fower men servants soe shipped aboard the<br />
sayd shipp for these reasons following. for that<br />
he this deponent did see the bill of lading for them<br />
and did see the producent receive of the arlate<br />
Mr Emms the freight for them, and hath heard all or<br />
most of the said shippes company acknowledge their<br />
having had on shipp board the sayd fower men, and<br />
alsoe for that this deponent was in Court at the<br />
Barbadoes when the producent was sued by the said<br />
Cooper and was condemned to pay for the sayd<br />
men, And further he cannot depose./
To the fifth article he deposeth and saith that there were<br />
an anchor and a Grapnell belonging to the said shipp lost, and that a barrell<br />
of Lyme was lett to dripp overboard by negligence,<br />
But the weight or value of such things he knoweth<br />
not And further cannot depose./
To the sixth article hee deposeth that as he this deponent hath<br />
heard from many of the sayd shipps Company there<br />
was a in her said shipps homeward bound voyage a<br />
port hole open (but he saith he knoweth not by whose<br />
neglect) wherein much water came,<br />
And<br />
further he cannot depose.
To the seaventh and eighth articles he cannot depose,<br />
being not in board at the time or times arlate.
To the ninth he knoweth not to depose, Not being on<br />
board the arlate shipp the time arlate./
To the last he saith that what he hath predeposed<br />
is true
To the Interrogatoryes./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he was putt in<br />
Purser of the shipp interrate by the Owners and soe<br />
continued all her voyage, and that he is sworne and<br />
examined as a wittnes in this cause by and of his owne<br />
voluntary offer to depose the truth between all<br />
partyes And to the rest he answereth negatively./
To the second Interrogatory he answereth that the said huggerly<br />
and Company did enter into whole pay on or about the fifth of June<br />
1655 (to his best remembrance), and that the sayd<br />
huggerly and Company did (soe farr as this Rendent<br />
knoweth) obey the interrate Totty the producent his<br />
command and looke unto the goods on board the sayd<br />
shipp to keepe them in good order, during the sayd<br />
shipps voyage to the Barbadoes, but he sayth that she<br />
being there and he this Rendent on shoare, he knowth not<br />
how they demeand them selves [?there] nor how they behaved [?or]<br />
demeaned themselves after the said shipps arrivall in this<br />
River of Thames; this Rendent being then alsoe on shoare<br />
And further he cannot answeare./
And further he cannot answeare./
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