worth one thousand pounds or thereabouts. … worth one thousand pounds or thereabouts. And saith the said five<br />
Spaniards have severall times declared to this deponent that the<br />
said ''Negro's'' goods and merchandizes did produce about the<br />
valew of thirtie six thousand pounds sterling there, and would<br />
have produced much more had they bin sold at their true valew<br />
in that countrey.
Roger Kilverts [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 21th of August 1656.
huggery, Turpin and Company against}<br />
Captaine John Totty}
Exámined upon the allegation given in<br />
on the behalfe of the said Captaine<br />
Totty the 13th instant.
'''See the first 6 in mr. olivers quire<br />
'''Rp. 7.'''
'''Benjamin Lee''' of Greenwich Waterman, aged 32 yeares<br />
or thereabouts sworne and exámined.
To the seaventh article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth<br />
that in the moneth of June last past the shipp the ''Edward and John''<br />
arlate came to an anchor in the River of Thames neere Greenwich<br />
and being soe come to an anchor, Captaine Totty her commander<br />
came on shore at Greenwich to hire men to goe and worke aboard<br />
her, and did hire six men there whereof this deponent was one<br />
who went the same day at (being in the moneth aforesaid) aboard<br />
her, and found a lighter lying by her side, halfe laden, and the<br />
company of the shipp at a stay or ceasing from working [?towards GUTTER]<br />
the finishing of her lading, and this deponent and the said other<br />
five hired men being upon their comming aboard demanded by [?one GUTTER]<br />
of the shipps company what they came aboard for, and they answered<br />
that they came to worke aboard, the said [?persons] of the shipps<br />
company replied that there was damage in the goods aboard, which they would [?leave] have surveyed before there should be any more [?steeved and GUTTER] if they offered to lay hand on any tackle to<br />
hoist out any goods, they would knock them on the heads; [?whereupon GUTTER]<br />
this deponent and the said five others staying aboard about halfe<br />
an houre without working, the said Captaine Totty came aboard<br />
and demanding of them whie they were not at worke about<br />
hoysing out of goods, they told him how his men had forbidden<br />
and threatened them, which when hee understood, hee said [XXXX GUTTER]<br />
to worke and I will this once be boatswaine and help you [?my GUTTER]<br />
selfe, and if they (speaking of his men) will knock you on [?your GUTTER]<br />
heads they shall begin with mee, or words to the same effect<br />
And soe hee saith the said Captaine and this deponent and the<br />
[?those] men aboard with him as aforesaid, and about six other<br />
persons that hee had hired and sent aboard at other times<br />
proceeded to make and hoist out goods from about tenn of [?the GUTTER]<br />
clock till about five in the evening, during all which space<br />
his men for the most part and principall of them looked on [?and GUTTER]<br />
walked to and againe in the shipp, without once offering to [?get GUTTER]<br />
to worke, but were very angry at the hired men, which were<br />
abouthe hired men, which were<br />
about +