To the 10th hee saith, That the said shipp … To the 10th hee saith, That the said shipp the ''Endeavour'' with her tackle<br />
apparrell and furniture were at the time of her said surprizall and carry[?ing GUTTER]<br />
away by the said de La Roche and Companie really worth Two Thousand<br />
pounds sterling and upwards, shee being a shipp of about ninescore or Two<br />
hundred Tunns having sixteen peeres of Ordnance on board her, and being<br />
every way fitted and furnished with all necessaries in very ample manner<br />
sayeing hee knoweth nothing of the frieght due for the said shipps then:<br />
employment but that the wages due to the said shipps Companie being [? fifty GUTTER<br />
pounds per moneth or thereabouts did and doe amount in eight moneths<br />
time to fower hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts, And beleeveth in conscience, That<br />
their Sea instruments Cloathes and private adventures whereof they were and are<br />
deprived by mianes of the seizure aforesaid, did and doe amount to three<br />
hundred pounds sterling and upwards. And further cannot depose:-/
To the 11th Article hee saith, That they said Three hundred and thirteen pipes<br />
of Canarie wines soe seized as aforesaid were of the choycest and ripest<br />
wynes that the vintage of the yeare 1655. last past did produce in the<br />
Canaries, and that if the same had in safety arrived at this Port of London<br />
they would have yielded the Owners Thirty pounds sterling at the least hee<br />
hath bin credibly informed by and amongst Merchants that Canarie wynes did<br />
yeild here in London about the monethes of November and December 1654.<br />
though they were not in goodnesse comparable to the wynes in question: And<br />
further hee cannot depose:-/
To the 12th and 13th hee saith, That hee this deponent is in Conscience fully<br />
convinced and assured, That the said Robert Oxwicke and Companie<br />
Owners of the said shipp ''Endeavour'', and Richard Baker and Companie<br />
Owners of the said wynes, and the said Jopp, and Companie of the said<br />
shipp were and are all of them respectively very much dammfied over<br />
and above the losse of their respective principalls predeposed, and [?there GUTTER]<br />
for and by the want of the imployment thereof, wherein they might[?all ?of GUTTER]<br />
them respectively have gayned and benefitted very much since the said<br />
shipps seizure, but to what valew summe or summes the parties abovesaid<br />
are respectively and particularly dampnified hee saith hee cannot judge<br />
And further cannot depose:-
the marke of<br />
Henry '''H''' Teate:/ [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]Henry '''H''' Teate:/ [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +