said shipp thither, howbeit hee saith that … said shipp thither, howbeit hee saith that when they came to the Streights<br />
mouth they then by the diminution of the company by<br />
the death of foure and thirtie of them and the sicknesse of many of the<br />
rest [#] it was not possible (and soe hee verily conceiveth in his conscience
[#] and by the leakinesse of<br />
which shee had met with<br />
in her retourne, in soemuch<br />
that her companies were<br />
faine to plie the pump<br />
ordinarily twelve twelve<br />
houres in foure and twenty<br />
and sometimes both night<br />
and day.
to carry the said shipp to legorne without danger of losse of her and<br />
of her said lading, and saith that if they had attempted to carry<br />
the said shipp thither, the same and lading had bin in apparent<br />
danger of being cast away or otherwise lost through the weaknesses<br />
of her company and her leakinesse as aforesaid. And further deposeth that they never<br />
had any order or direction whatsoever from the said Alderman Riccard<br />
or other their Imployers or others contradicting or any wayes to alter<br />
her said designe of going to Ligorne, but the commander and others<br />
were very desirous to have gone thither and have performed their<br />
said Commission, if it had bin possible for them to have donne it<br />
as (by reason of the premisses) hee saith it was not
Thomas Newman [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The eleventh of June 1656.
Exámined upon an allegation<br />
made in the acts the 14th<br />
of May last.
Captaine John Lawson and Captaine}<br />
howet and company against the shipp}<br />
''Julian'' (Allert Miler master}
'''Rp. .j.'''
'''Claude Gagnon''' of Melon in Bretagne<br />
Masters mate of the said shipp the ''Saint''<br />
''Julian'', aged 25 yeares thereabouts sworne<br />
and examined.
To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth<br />
the allegate Albert Meller, the master of the said shipp<br />
the ''Saint Julian'' and hath so donne for theise three yeeres last or<br />
thereabouts, and thereby well knoweth that the said Meller for<br />
all that time hath bin and is a subject of the king of ffrance<br />
and an Inhabitant of Re[?couvranse] neere Brest, where hee hath his<br />
wife and a childe and familie, this deponent having bin often there at<br />
his house; and saith that about three yeeres since the said Albert served<br />
the kings of ffrance in the Vice Admirall of ffrance (whereof hee was pilot)<br />
in the River of Bourdeaux, against that towne then in revolt, and this<br />
deponent hath often heard that hee served the said king long before in<br />
his shipps of warr, but for his service in the river of Bourdeaux<br />
this deponent well knoweth, hee this deponent being there alsoe in the same service<br />
And hee verily beleeveth the said Meller hath all this goods and estate<br />
at the said place of his the residence and dwelling at Re[?couvranse], and<br />
otherwise hee cannot depose.
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
Exámined the foresaid allegation
Exámined the foresaid allegation
Martin +