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HCA 13/70 f.604v Annotate
First transcribed 16 November 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 604  +
Parent volume HCA 13/70  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 16/11/2014  +
Transcription delivered to the said Peter aboard the saidelivered to the said Peter aboard the said shipp at Saint Malo's, and<br /> sawe him break it open and take thereout two papers for the said<br /> shipp, the one in ffrench and the other in dutch, And otherwise hee cannot<br /> depose. To the seaventh hee cannot depose, for hee saith hee knoweth not of any<br /> other letter then that aforesaid written to the master of the ''White Unicorne'' and<br /> the other to the master of the ''Crosse of Jerusalem'', nor was there any<br /> speach of the owners at Saint Mallo's paying or giving this deponent any<br /> money before and, otherwise then that the said Monsieur La Gard would have<br /> referred him to the owners at Saint Malo's to pay him this deponent<br /> his first monethes pay, and offered to give him a note to them to<br /> this purpose, which this deponent refused, saying hee would have<br /> it there at Amsterdam, and soe the said Monsieur La Gard paid this deponent<br /> and the said other five their said monethes pay before their departure<br /> from Amsterdam. To the eighth article hee saith and deposeth that the said master<br /> of the ''Unicorne'' ariving at Saint Malo's said hee would not suffer<br /> this deponent nor his five other mates to have their clothes and<br /> baggage out till hee were paid for their transportation, and willed<br /> this deponent to goe ashore and tell the master of the ''Jerusalem''<br /> ''Crosse'' soe much, and this deponent going ashore, went to and<br /> acquainted the said Peter Martinsen the master of the ''Jerusalems''<br /> ''Crosse'' therewith, who said, I knowe a remedie for that, Goe alonge<br /> with mee to Monsieur ffilladien, and soe brought this deponent to the<br /> said Monsieur ffilladien a ffrench merchant dwelling at Saint Malo's,<br /> with whom the said Peter had some discourse in ffrench, which this<br /> deponent understood not well, and then the said Peter going thence with<br /> this deponent to the skipper of the ''Unicorne'' to give him content,<br /> this deponent (when they were come out of the said Monsieur ffilladien's<br /> house) asked the said Peter Martinsen, saying, is this (speaking<br /> of the said Monsieur ffilladien) one of the owners of the ''Jerusalem Crosse'',<br /> to which the said Peter answered I, hee is the cheifest owner but said that this deponent must<br /> not speake thereof, or to the same effect, And otherwise hee cannot<br /> depose. To the ninth hee cannot depose. To the tenth and 11th hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid. To the twelveth hee cannot depose. To the thirteenth hee saith the said shipp the ''Crosse of Jerusalem'' hath<br /> not bin at Amsterdam since this deponents departure thence as aforesaid<br /> and saith that after his comming aboard her at Saint Malo's hee was<br /> told and understood that shee had made a voyage before that from Saint<br /> Malos to Spaine, and retourned thence to Saint Malos and discharged<br /> her lading brought from Spaine at<br /> haver de Grace, and that there her former Skipper went from<br /> her and left her, and then the said Peter (who to that time was<br /> Stiersman) was made master of her, and brought her to Saint Malos.<br /> And otherwise hee saith hee cannot depose. Tootherwise hee saith hee cannot depose. To  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0822.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0822.JPG|[[:HCA 13/70|HCA 13/70]] f.604v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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