Smith, Wright and Company}<br />
lat … Smith, Wright and Company}<br />
late Mariners of the ''Constant''}<br />
against Captaine Isaac Philipps}<br />
Suckly Smith}
Upon the arlate allegation<br />
given in and admitted on<br />
the behalfe of the Mariners
On the 20th of September <u>1655</u>
'''Robert Waith''' of Debtford in the<br />
County of Kent Merchant where he hath<br />
lived and in London about 12. yeares last past<br />
aged about 31 yeares, a wittnes produced and<br />
sworne and being examined he deposeth as followeth
To the first article of the sayd allegation he saith<br />
he cannot depose.
To the second article of the sayd allegation he deposeth and<br />
saith That he the deponent being acquainted with Mr<br />
ffrancis hull of Portsmouth and Mr William Newland<br />
of the Isle of Wight Merchants did receive by Letters<br />
advise from them or one of them (in the yeare 1651<br />
for the certaime time in the said yeare he cannot remember)<br />
that they had bought a shipps loading of black and white Rossin,<br />
and that they offred him this deponent a third part of<br />
the same, which this deponent accepted thereof, And that<br />
by his having a third part of the said goods, he came to<br />
understand that the same were bought by them of the arlate<br />
Captaine Isaac Philipps, and that the same were taken<br />
aboard a prize knowne to him the deponent by the name<br />
of the ''Dolphin'' of Amsterdam, And he further deposeth<br />
that the said Rosins were consigned by the aforesaid Mr<br />
holt and Mr Newland or one of them unto him the deponent, who<br />
received the same and made sale thereof unto John Day<br />
and he saith that (to his best remembrance) there was<br />
payd for the sayd Rosins to the sayd Philipps and Company<br />
about the summe of 700 ''li'' Lawfull English money, And<br />
further he cannot depose.
To the third article he cannot depose.
To the last he saith his foregoing deposition is true./
To the crosse Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]
Top the first Interrogatory he answereth that he did buy a third<br />
part of the Rosins predeposed of, and he saith that by the<br />
directions of the aforenamed Mr Newland he the Rendent<br />
oayd 300 ''li'' upom an account of the value of the said Rossins<br />
unto Mr White of London Merchant for the use of the<br />
Mariners interresed in the prize, And further to the said Interrrogatory<br />
he saith he cammot answeare.
To the second, third, fourth and fifth Interrogatoryes he<br />
cannot answeare./
Repeated before Doctor Godolphin./
Robert Waith [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]lphin./
Robert Waith [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +