On the same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
'''Rp. … On the same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
'''Rp. (2'''
'''Roger Greenfield''' of the parish of Stepney<br />
in the County of Middlesex Blacksmith where<br />
he hath lived these 1[?6] yeares last past, aged<br />
about 24 yeares, a wittnes produced, sworne and<br />
examined he deposeth and saith as followeth.
To the first and second articles of the said Libell and to the<br />
schedule in the said second article mentioned he deposeth and<br />
saith that he the deponent hath wrought with the producent<br />
(who is an Anchor Smith by trade) as a Journeyman<br />
for nigh fower yeares last past, and thatt within the<br />
said time and more especially in and about the moneth<br />
of ffebruary 1652 [?inxta et cetera] he the said Mare was<br />
Master or Commander of the arlate shipp or vessell the<br />
''hope'' of London and had the sole care and government<br />
of her, And that about the said time he the sayd<br />
Mare did come unto the shopp of the producent in<br />
Shadwell neere Shadwell docke (where this deponent<br />
then wrought (and therefore doth depose the<br />
premisses) and did bespeake of the said Walter Gough[?s].<br />
the producent all and every the parcelle and particulars<br />
of iron-work mentioned in the said schedule for the use<br />
and repaire of the said shipp or vessell the ''hope''<br />
of London, And he further deposeth and saith that<br />
the greatest or most part of the goods schedulate were<br />
bespoke by the said Mare for the said shipps use<br />
in the hearing of this deponent; that the greatest part<br />
thereof videlicet all the Nayles (such as Blacksmiths<br />
doe make) were wrought by this deponents owne hand<br />
and that he alsoe had a helping hand in working of the<br />
other particulars schedulated, All which were delivered out<br />
of the said producents shopp for the use of the arlate<br />
shipp either to Mare or such as came by his order<br />
for the same, And he saith and deposeth that the<br />
prices of the said particulars according as is sett downe in<br />
the said schedule were the iust and reall prices of such<br />
goods and worke at the time arlate And further he<br />
saith he cannot depose./
To the third article he referreth himselfe to the Registry of<br />
this Court And further cannot depose
To the fourth article he deposeth and saith that he the deponent<br />
hath often heard the producent say that there was due unto<br />
him the summe of 21 ''li'' odd money for the iron worke arlate
And he alsoe deposeth that the producent is much damaged<br />
in wanting of his money for soe long time as he hath since<br />
it was his due, and in loosing of his time in seeking to recover<br />
it, but he saithhe knoweth not to what value the said<br />
dammage is or may amount unto, And further he cannot depose.
To the fifth article he referreth himselfe to the Lawes and to the<br />
Jurisdiction of this Court./
To the sixth he referreth himselfe to the Lawes./
To the last he saith his former deposition is true./
Repeated with his precontest<br />
before doctor Godolphin./
The marke of Roger [MARKE] Greenfeild [MARKE, RH SIDE] Roger [MARKE] Greenfeild [MARKE, RH SIDE] +