The 20th of december 1654. [CENTRE HEADING … The 20th of december 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
'''John Le ffebvre''' of Amsterdam Purser of the said shipp<br />
the ''Leopard'' aged 47 yeares or thereabouts sworne as aforesaid<br />
saith and deposeth as followeth.
That hee this deponent being at Martinica one of the Charibbe<br />
Ilands was by his precontest Claus Tuneson there hired on or about<br />
the two and twentiieth of August last new stile to goe thence for<br />
Amsterdam in service of the duke of Courland in the shipp the<br />
''Leopard'' whereof Cornelius ffredericke was then master and which was then<br />
lately come from Guiney whence shee brought Negro's and landed them<br />
at Martinica, and after such her arivall there having [?XXX] [?XXX]<br />
contest in lawe betwixt her Cape merchant and the said master, and<br />
the said shipp and master being by order of Justice dismissed,<br />
shee departed thence on or about the 16th of September last newe<br />
stile bound for Amsterdam there to deliver her goods to hendrick<br />
Mumma as factor or deputie of the said duke, and saith that<br />
Saint Christofers being in their way and a convenient place to water<br />
at, they went in there to the [?Sand-point] and there only watered<br />
and looked for company, and did not trade or take in any goods at all<br />
there, nor did shee take in any goods at Martinica but 17<br />
Rolls of tobaccoe and 43 small barrells of ginger. And saith that<br />
while the saidd shipp soe staid at Saint Christofers (which was about<br />
a monethes space or lesse) the said master Cornelius ffrederick<br />
dyed and his precontest Claus Tuneson was constituted master in<br />
his stead by the rest of the masters of shipps then and there present<br />
(as hee saith the manner in those parts is, namely where the master<br />
dieth the masters of the other shipps there present doe constitute<br />
one of her company master in his stead, but if there be noe other<br />
shipps present then the governour of the place appointeth the<br />
master: and saith that having buried the said Skipper and taken in<br />
water and noe goods or merchandize whatsoever, and got the<br />
company of the ''Saint Peter'' of Madenblick, Peter Petersen Peteman<br />
master, and of the shipp the ''yonge Tobias'' of Amsterdam whereof one<br />
Pauls was master both alsoe bound for Amsterdam, the said shipp<br />
the ''Leopard'' on or about the 16th of October last newe stile departed<br />
from the ffrench plantation in Saint Christofers bound for Amsterdam<br />
in service of the duke of Cureland, and that on or about the<br />
28th of October last shee was severed by storme from the said<br />
other two shipps and lost their company, and mistaking her course<br />
through fowle and darke weather, shee strooke into Saint Georges<br />
Channell and never knew where shee was till shee came to<br />
Lundae Iland. And then her provisions of victualls being spent<br />
and her sailes and rigging very much torne and spoiled, her<br />
master and companie went for Bristoll to repaire and supplie<br />
themselves and for noe other occasion whatsoever, fully intending<br />
that being soe supplied with necessarrie provisions to depart and<br />
saile for Amsterdam their port of dischardge. But at Bristoll<br />
the said shipp and lading were arrested and staid by one Mr Gill<br />
or one of some such name, pretending that shee had traded<br />
at Saint Christofers, which hee saith shee did not; And saith the Inventary<br />
or schedule nowe showed unto him taken in the said shipp is a true<br />
Inventarie of the goods that were aboard at the time of her said staying.<br />
And that the passeport or certificate in high dutch, and the other in latine,<br />
and the bill of lading now showne unto him were alsoe aboard
Jon le febvre [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]aboard
Jon le febvre [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +