the said shipp or Vessell as aforesaid) he … the said shipp or Vessell as aforesaid) hee enquired further at<br />
Penryn, and found that the said Vessell had been taken by a<br />
Brest man of warr, and rescued by an Englishman man of warr, and by<br />
the said markes and observation, (this deponent being a Mariner and well<br />
knowing the difference and distinction of Vessells, especially those which<br />
hee hath formerly well observed) hee is assured and in Conscience<br />
declareth the said Vessell whuch hee as predeposed saw at Penryn<br />
then and there knowne by the name of the ''Thomas'' of Brest<br />
was and is one and the selfe same shipp and Vessell, which this<br />
deponent as predeposed, did formerly see and observe in this river of<br />
Thames about a yeare and a halfe since under the governement of the<br />
said Thomas Yoakeley, But whoe were or are the Lawfull<br />
Owners and Proprietors of the said shipp, and of her tackle and<br />
furniture hee saith hee cannot declare. And further deposeth<br />
To the Crosse Interrogatories./:- [CENTRE HEADING]
'''dt. Cheeke:-'''
To the first hee referreth to his foregoeing deposition:-
To the second hee saith hee never saw any gunns aboard the Vessell<br />
in Controversie, And further saving his foregoing deposition cannot depose:/
To the third hee saith hee tooke no especiall notice of any thing belonging<br />
to the said shipp ''Thomas'' more then as predeposed And further<br />
cannot depose:-/
Repeated before doctor Clerke:-/
The 10th day of June <u>.1655:-</u> [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of Richard Le Bas of London for 1/4 th part of}<br />
the shipp or Vessell called the ''dolphyn'' of delphs-haven and}<br />
formerly the ''ffortune'' of Sunderland, and of herbraut}<br />
[?Canese] and Companie for the other three quarter parts lately}<br />
seized by the ''Tyger frigatt'' in the immediate service of}<br />
this Commonwealth Suckley. Budd.}
Examined upon an Allegation [?made] on<br />
the behalfe of the said Claymers
'''holding dt:/:-'''
'''John Johnson van'''<br />
'''Dillecum''' Mariner<br />
aged 26. yeares or thereabouts<br />
a Wittnes sworne and examined saith<br />
as followeth videlicet:-/
To the first hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof saving his subsequent<br />
deposition to which hee referreth:-
To the second hee saith, That about 5. moneths since (the time this deponent doeth<br />
not otherwise remember at present) hee this deponent being at Caen in<br />
Normandie, where the shipp or Vessell the ''dolphyn'', formerly the ''ffortune''<br />
then being at Caen was exposed to sale, hee this deponent and [?GXXXX GUTTER]<br />
[?Ains wel te vrede], and Corneluis Anesse well te vrede all holl[?anders GUTTER]<br />
and Subjects of the United Netherland provinces did buy 3/4. parts of the<br />
said shipp or Vessell the ''dolphyn'' alias ''fortune'' of one Mr [?XXX GUTTER]<br />
a hamburgh Merchant so dwelling at Caen and one named Mr Le Bas<br />
Merchant and brother to the said Richard Le Bas and his Corress<br />
pondent there the other 1/4 th part of the said Vessell then and ever since [?XXX GUTTER]<br />