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HCA 13/70 f.232r Annotate
First transcribed 12 September 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 232  +
Parent volume HCA 13/70  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 12/09/2014  +
Transcription surprizall and Confiscation of English shisurprizall and Confiscation of English shipps and goods if taken by the dutch<br /> then our Enimies, did expressely imploy the arlate John Claesson, being<br /> a Native of dantzick, and having a passeport for a shipp named the ''Saint''<br /> ''John Baptist'' of that place, to take upon him the charge of the<br /> Vessell now in Controversie, and with all possible care and prudence to<br /> mannage and conduct the same in such manner, that in Case of rencounter with<br /> the dutch shee and her lading might not appeare to belong to the English, for<br /> feare of Confiscation, And to the intent of the preservation of the said shipp<br /> and lading, the said Arnold Beake and Company gave order that a<br /> Colourable bill of sale of the Vessell in question then called the ''fflower de''<br /> ''Luce'' should be made by Michael de haze Merchant of dover and<br /> part Proprietor of the said shipp, to the said John Claeson, with order that<br /> the said John Claesson should by a writeing under his hand renounce and<br /> disclaime the said bill of sale as Colourable and counterfeit, and onely made<br /> and contrived for the securitie and preservation of the said shipp and goods from<br /> the dutch, which this deponent upon the observation of the firme or subscription<br /> of the schedule arlate, is firmly assured to be the said writing or instrument<br /> of renunciation to the effect aforesaid, and knoweth not nor beleeveth<br /> that the said bill of sale, and the schedule or renunciation aforesaid were<br /> made to any other effect then as is predeposed, And saith the said shipp<br /> and Merchandizes did and doe truely and really belong to the said<br /> Arnold and Elias Beake, Michael de haze, Mr Greene of dover,<br /> and John [?Johnick] Merchant here at London, who were and are the<br /> true and Law full Proprietors of the said shipp and lading, and are<br /> all of them Subjects of this Commonwealth, Which the premisses hee<br /> knoweth and is well assured of as being Bookekeeper to the said Arnold<br /> Beake, having so been during the transactions predeposed, and by<br /> his said imployment as Bookekeeper having taken particular notice of the<br /> said Propriety. And further cannot depose./ To the third hee saith That the said Arnold Beake as principall<br /> mannager of the said shipp apprehending and well knowing the<br /> danger from the dutch in the time when the said Vessell was out<br /> upon the Voiage in Controversie did give order to the arlate<br /> Reynard Baguart his factor at Bayonne, and to the said Master<br /> John Claeson, to doe and act<br /> all what was or might be possible for the preservation of the said shipp<br /> and her lading from the dutch in her comming homewards from<br /> Bayonne, And hat the said Arnold Beake in the name of himselfe<br /> and his fellow owners did give expresse Order to the said Mr John<br /> Claesson and also to the said factor to procure a Colourable Charterpartie<br /> and bill of lading to be made in the name of the arlate William<br /> de Labistrate Merchant of hamburgh, as if hee the said<br /> Labistrate had freighted the said shipp for hamburgh, whereas<br /> in[?deed] and reality the said Labistradt had no interest<br /> concernement or knowledge of or in the said shipp ladingr knowledge of or in the said shipp lading  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0072.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0072.JPG|[[:HCA 13/70|HCA 13/70]] f.232r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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