remaine, And saith That the said man of wa … remaine, And saith That the said man of warr and french Prize<br />
being there arrived, This deponent for and in the name and on the behalf<br />
of one Nicholas dyer of Lynne sometimes Master of the shipp or<br />
Vessell called the ''Richard'' of Lynne aforesaid (which Vessell was by the<br />
said Jacob ffernando seized and taken at Sea in Aprill <u>1653.</u> last past the said Nicholas dyer<br />
being Master of her, and by the said fernando and Companie plundered<br />
of part of her ladeing to the valew of about 400. or 500 ''li'' sterling) did [?attach]<br />
and arrest or cause to be attached and arrested at Guernezey aforesaid the<br />
said man of warr and prize aforesaid by Vertue of an order obtained [?from]<br />
the deputy Governor of the said Island, and that for and towards the<br />
reparation of the losses and dammages sustained by meanes of the plunder<br />
aforesaid made by the said fernando and Companie in and of part of<br />
the lading of the said shipp the ''Richard''; And saith That after the<br />
said shipp or man of warr and french prize were by this deponents<br />
procurement for the reason and by the order aforesaid attached and [?XXX]<br />
at Guernezey aforesaid, this deponent went aboard the said Vessell, and<br />
after diligent search and observation by himself and others found and<br />
observed that the said ffrench prize shipp or Vessell (having endured a very great storme in her passage from Newfoundland for ffrance) was, as shee now<br />
remaineth in a very leakie condition, and that the fish and traine[?oil]<br />
therein were alsoe then in a very persihable and badd condition, and<br />
likelie to be rendred utterly unusefull, and not vendible in case they<br />
have for any long time continue in the said Vessell, where this deponent<br />
left them, the hatches of the said prize Vessell being by the [?Receiver ?of]<br />
the said Island and this deponent sealed up for the security of the said<br />
goods, and beleeveth the said goods are very much perished, runn [?out]<br />
and deteriorated since this deponent left them so [?secured] as aforesaid, hee<br />
also saith, That the said man of warr being at the time of her [?attachment]<br />
as aforesaid something leakie, and lying ever since very much upon the drie [?XXX]<br />
together with the said Prize, are both of them in all probabilitie<br />
like to be very much deteriorated, if not rendred utterly unserviceable<br />
if by their removall to some place of conveniencie, and due care taken for<br />
their reparation and preservation the same bee not speedily prevented
Repeated before doctor Clerke:-/
George [?Brehult] [?Junior] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] [?Brehult] [?Junior] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +