The … [ADD DATA]
The day of September .1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the said Allegation:-
'''John Popeliers''' of Antwerp in Brabant<br />
Booke-keeper to the producent John Bollaert<br />
aged 25. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne and<br />
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet
To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That hee this deponent<br />
very well knoweth the producent John Bollart, and hath so knowne him for<br />
theise eight yeares last past or thereabouts, and saith hee the said producent is a<br />
Merchant of Antwerp, who driveth an extraordinary great trade to Cadiz, Saint Lucar<br />
and other Parts in Spaine, to which places hee hath frequently sent<br />
and doeth send divers sorts of Merchandizes from Ostend and dunquirke, (since<br />
it returned into the power of the King of Spaine) for his owne accompt and<br />
adventure, and hath diverse ffactors and Correspondents in the said places of<br />
Spaine, who doe mannage his Merchandizeing occasions there, and sell and]dispose of such goods as are sent to them for his accompt, and make returnes for<br />
the same into fflanders unto the said producent, And for a Merchant of such<br />
extraordinarie trade and Commerce the said producent for all the time<br />
predeposed hath bin and still is commonly accompted reputed and knowne<br />
The premisses hee knoweth, for that hee this deponent hath knowne the said<br />
producent for all the time predeposed, and for 6. yeares last past or thereabouts hath<br />
beene servant to the said producent, and for about three yeares last haveing beene<br />
his Accomptant or booke-keeper, and by meanes thereof well acquainted with the<br />
whole negotiation of the said John Bollaert, and knoweing the same to bee as is<br />
by him predeposed And further he cannot depose:-/
To the second hee saith and deposeth, That the said John Bollart hath very<br />
frequently and usually for divers yeares past received the returnes of his<br />
goods and Merchandizes sent to Spaine as aforesaid, which were made unto him<br />
by his ffactors from thence in great parcells of silver, of plate, barres, and<br />
pieces of eight, all which this deponent during his aboard with the said producent<br />
hath seene and observed, And further saith, This deponent hath found and observed<br />
by the bookes of accompts of the said John Bollart, That in the yeare 1638, and<br />
severall yeares following hee the said producent had severall returnes of silver made<br />
him from Spaine to dover and London in England, which were here received by<br />
his Correspondents, for his accompt, and remitted unto him by way of exchange<br />
and severall manufactures of this Nation, as by the saidd bookes appeareth The<br />
(premissesookes appeareth The<br />
(premisses +