First transcribed
27 August 2015 +
First transcriber
Brodie Waddell +
436 +
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HCA 13/68 +
Verso +
Uploaded image; transcribed on 27/08/2015 +
Lading to the sayd allegation annexed for … Lading to the sayd allegation annexed for the sayd woolls and now shewne him<br />
and is one of the sayd bills of lading and was as he believeth sent<br />
Cadiz to Antwerpe and from thence to this citty by the sayd Locenco the [XXX]<br />
and Correspondent of the sayd Gomez Acosta And the Contents thereof<br />
were and are true. And beleiveth that according to Custome there was<br />
a third bill of lading firmed to come along with the sayd woolls, and a<br />
bill of lading for to come along with the sayd Graine in the sayd<br />
Shipp. And otherwise cannot depose saving that the sayd shipp was bound<br />
and the sayd woolls and fine graine were consigned to Ostend in [XXX]<br />
there to be disposed to the Advantage of the producents.
To the 5 6 and 7th articles of the sayd allegation he saith that after the lading<br />
the sayd goods he saw the sayd shipp depart there with from Cadiz on her [XXX]<br />
for Ostend and hath Credibly heard that she was with her lading<br />
in her Course by some of the Shipps of the of this Commonwealth whereby her<br />
sayd woolls and grayne and one bill of lading for eyther of them<br />
respectively came into the hands of the Takers. And further [XXX]<br />
himself to the Acts of this Court the sayd bills of lading in the [XXX]<br />
thereof he cannot depose, saving his foregoeing deposicions, and<br />
saving that the sayd Jaspar Lorenco being the producents factor was to<br />
make returne of the sayd goods respectively for accompt of the sayd<br />
prodcuents to Spaine.
<br />
To the Crosse Interrogatories
To the 1st negatively.
To the 2 he saith he saw the sayd Anthony Chaves who did himself [?buy]<br />
the sayd graine in Company of Christian Cloppenberg att Cadiz but saith<br />
he saw not the sayd Manuel Gomez de Acosta there and further<br />
saving as aforesayd he cannot depose.
To the 3rd he saith the sayd woolls were laden by a young man a [XXX]<br />
factor or servant of the sayd Gomez de Acosta named Juan his other name<br />
he remembereth not. And further saving as aforesayd cannot depose.
To the 4th he saith that Manuel Gomez de Acosta hath his house in<br />
Lawyers Street and Anthony de Chaves in the Carpenters Street<br />
Sevill where they have lived with their families respectively ten<br />
yeares and upwards last past.
To the 5th he saith he saw not the buying of the sayd woolls or graynes<br />
To the 6th he saith he saw not the sayd bills of lading signed being<br />
not present att the signing thereof.
To the 7th he saith he cannot depose otherwise than as aforesayd
To the 8th he saith he cannot depose.
To the 9th he saith he cannot depose otherwise than as aforesayd only<br />
he is sure that the sayd graine was laden by the sayd Anthony Chaves<br />
and the sayd woolls by the foresayd Juan the factor or servant of Manuel<br />
de Acosta.
To the 10th he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.
To the 11 negatively to ever part thereof.
To the 12 he refereth to his foregoeing depositions and otherwise<br />
cannot depose.
To the 13 he saith he is a native and Inhabitant of Sevil and otherwise<br />
negativelySevil and otherwise<br />
negatively +
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26 January 2018 20:47:41 +