and came to the hands of the States office … and came to the hands of the States officers at Dover aforesaid saving such as hee hath nowe produced hee saith [?are] alsoe true and reall and that the [?said]<br />
goods were really consigned to the port or ports mentioned in the said bills, and<br />
hee verily beleaveth that they belonge to [?those] men for whose accompt they are<br />
mentioned in the said bills to be laden, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the seaventh hee saith that the said shipps company at the time of her<br />
seizure consisted of 35 persons, namely thirtie men and five boyes, all<br />
which five and thirtie persons were and are as hee saith were and are<br />
natives of and dwellers in hamburgh and other places in the East countr[?ie]<br />
and none of them borne or living in holland or other place whatsoever of [?XXX]<br />
the dominion of the said States of the United Netherland Provinces, nor subiect<br />
unto them, nor soe reputed.
To the eighth hee saith that hee this deponent was borne and hath lived all<br />
his time in hamburgh (in respect of habitation) and that his father was alsoe<br />
a native of the same place, and saith that hee is a maried man and hath<br />
foure children and hath bin maried theise fifteene yeares and hath for all that<br />
time kept his wife and familie in hamburgh.
To the nineth hee saith hee had only the hamburgh colours aboard when<br />
hee was seized, and never wore the hollands or Netherland colours.
To the tenth hee saith hee signed onely one set of bills for the said<br />
severall parcells of goods, and not bills of severall tenors for the same<br />
goods, nor did his purser signe any of any such severall tenors for the same goods as to be<br />
delivered to severall persons at severall places.
To the eleaventh hee saith hee nor his Purser have not signed any<br />
bills of lading (for any goods aboard) since the said seizure.
To the twelveth hee saith that there were two peaces of silver aboard<br />
at the time of the said seizure worth about five or six hundred peaces of<br />
eight which was belonging to his owners as the profitt of freight that<br />
the shipp had earned, and this deponent had in a small peace of silver<br />
uncoined and in coyned silver about 300 peeces of eight for his owne<br />
accompt, and hee doth not knowe of any of the merchandize aboard<br />
belonging to his owners saving what belongs to himselfe as aforesaid,<br />
but referrs himselfe therein to his said bills, and that hee was to receive<br />
his freight in fflannders of the severall merchants to whom the goods<br />
are consigned according to his said bills. And otherwise saving his<br />
foregoing deposition hee cannot answer.
To the thirteenth hee answereth negatively, [?saying] he had noe letter of<br />
credit to receive money of any during the voyage.
To the fourteenth negatively, saying hee met not with any dutch<br />
man of warr [?on] the voyage.
To the 15th hee saith hee hath not taken up any money upon bottomrie<br />
during the voyage, nor knoweth hee of any assurance under either<br />
upon shipp or goods.
To the 16th hee saith hee went from Cadiz for Barcelona to carry<br />
soldiers thither for the service of the kinge of Spaine, and having<br />
delivered them hee retourned thence in Ballast for Cadiz and then<br />
tooke in his said lading./
To the 17th negatively, saying that the said shipp was never at Amsterdam
To the 18th negatively, saying as aforesaid that hee came last to<br />
Cadiz in ballast.
To the 19th hee saith that the silver money aboard is in baggs, and<br />
in a chest or two, and part of the small peeces [?carried] or<br />
send up in linen covers, and the rest of the small peeces with [?XXX]<br />
[?XXX]mall peeces with [?XXX]<br />
[?XXX] +