wheate but in her course comeing off the E … wheate but in her course comeing off the English Coast betwixt Alfernesse<br />
and Yarmouth shee was mett withall by a Scotts man of warr and by him<br />
seized on or about the 30th of Aprill last, upon which seisure the said Skipper of<br />
the said Boyer and three others of his Company were taken out of her into the said<br />
Man of Warr and carryed away in her which hee knoweth because hee was abord<br />
the said Boyer and one of the Company thereof and sawe the premisses so done<br />
But about 5 dayes after the said seisure and before the said Man of Warr<br />
had brought the said Boyer and lading into any Port or Harbour, the said<br />
Boyer and lading of wheate were mett with and taken or rescued by the<br />
''Assistance ffrygott'' comanded by Captaine Bourne in the imediate service of the Comonwealth<br />
of England and brought into Leith in Scotland which hee knoweth being aboard<br />
the said Boyer when shee was so rescued and brought thither and otherwise<br />
hee cannot depose./
To the fifth article hee saith and deposeth that the said Boyer the ''Dove'' so laden<br />
with Corne bound for London and seised by the Scotts Man of Warr, And the<br />
vessell or boyer aforesaid laden with wheate and rescued by the<br />
''Assistance frigot'' and brought into the Leith [?in] Scotland were the sayd Boyer<br />
and Corne and not diverse yeilding a reason of his knowledge as aforesaid and<br />
otherwise hee cannot depose
To the 6th hee saith that the said Lucas Jacobs was and is an Inhabitant of the<br />
Citty of London and a subiect of this Comon Wealth and so comonly accompted<br />
and otherwise hee cannot depose./
To the last hee saith that his foregoeing deposition was and is true/.
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee referreth himself to his foregoeing deposition and otherwise<br />
answereth negatively.
To the 2. 3. 4. 5. and 6th hee referreth himself to his foregoeing deposition and otherwise<br />
cannot answere saveing that the said frigott the ''Assistance'' rescued the said Boyer<br />
and ladeing off Montresse on the Coast of Scotland as the Company of the said Scottsman<br />
was carrying her along for Aberdene, her Master and Company being dispossessed and<br />
dispoiled of the possession and Comand of her, And only this deponent and his Contest<br />
[XXXX Pape] and a boy of her Company left in her, and six of the Scotsmans<br />
Company being aboard her when she was rescued so that the said Boyer and ladeing<br />
of wheate had bin lost to the Owners if the said rescue X] told the said Skipper before here carryed him out of his said<br />
Boyer that he should have the same againe and his freight, but the ladeing<br />
should be made prize because it was bound for London./
To the 7th he saith that it was about 9 of the Clocke in the morneing of the<br />
said 30th of Aprill that the said Scottsman tooke them , and about 6. in the<br />
morning of the 5th of May last that the ''Assistance'' rescued them/
To the 8. 9. and 10th he answereth negatively, saveing as aforesaid./
To the 11 and 12th he cannot depose saveing as aforesaid./
To the 13th he saith that hee was not a wittnes to the bill of sale interrogated, And further<br />
saith that as hee hath heard the said Boyer was built about 20 yeeres since<br />
att Sardam in Holland by or for Peter Johnson Catt of Hamborowe And that<br />
the interrogated Abraham Stockman and Company have since bought the same./
Repeated before doctor Clark